API Reference

This page covers everything osu.py is capable of.


osu.py uses osu!api v2 which is still under development. Some functions under Client will say they require lazer scope in which case request cannot be made. Some code may stop working overnight due to changes done to the osu!api v2. If you run into any issues at all, please report it here. I’ll try my best to fix any issues as quick as possible.

Interactive Classes

class osu.AsynchronousClient(auth: AuthHandler | LazerAuthHandler | None = None, request_wait_time: float | None = 1.0, limit_per_minute: float | None = 60.0, use_lazer: bool | None = False)

Main object for interacting with osu!api, which uses asynchronous requests. If you’re looking for synchronous requests, use Client.

All the functions of this class are documented under Client and function the exact same.

Init Parameters

auth: AuthHandler

The AuthHandler object passed in when initiating the Client object

request_wait_time: Optional[float]

Default is 1.

This defines the amount of time that the client should wait before making another request. It can make it easier to stay within the rate limits without using all your requests up quickly and then waiting forever to make another. It’s most applicable in bot-type apps.

limit_per_minute: Optional[float]

Default is 60 because that’s the limit peppy requests that we stay under.

This sets a cap on the number of requests the client is allowed to make within 1 minute of time.

use_lazer: Optional[bool]

Default is False. This changes which base api endpoint the client will use.

Uses lazer.ppy.sh when True and osu.ppy.sh when False.

Make sure if you are changing the ratelimit handling that you are still following peppy’s TOU for using the API:

Use the API for good. Don’t overdo it. If in doubt, ask before (ab)using :). this section may expand as necessary.

Current rate limit is set at an insanely high 1200 requests per minute, with burst capability of up to 200 beyond that. If you require more, you probably fall into the above category of abuse. If you are doing more than 60 requests a minute, you should probably give peppy a yell.

class osu.Client(auth: AuthHandler | LazerAuthHandler | None = None, request_wait_time: float | None = 1.0, limit_per_minute: float | None = 60.0, use_lazer: bool | None = False)

Main object for interacting with osu!api, which uses synchronous requests. If you’re looking for asynchronous requests, use AsynchronousClient.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This class is not thread-safe. If you wish to use with threading, use a threading lock when making requests.

Init Parameters

auth: AuthHandler

The AuthHandler object passed in when initiating the Client object

request_wait_time: Optional[float]

Default is 1.

This defines the amount of time that the client should wait before making another request. It can make it easier to stay within the rate limits without using all your requests up quickly and then waiting forever to make another. It’s most applicable in bot-type apps.

limit_per_minute: Optional[float]

Default is 60 because that’s the limit peppy requests that we stay under.

This sets a cap on the number of requests the client is allowed to make within 1 minute of time.

use_lazer: Optional[bool]

Default is False. This changes which base api endpoint the client will use.

Uses lazer.ppy.sh when True and osu.ppy.sh when False.

Make sure if you are changing the ratelimit handling that you are still following peppy’s TOU for using the API:

Use the API for good. Don’t overdo it. If in doubt, ask before (ab)using :). this section may expand as necessary.

Current rate limit is set at an insanely high 1200 requests per minute, with burst capability of up to 200 beyond that. If you require more, you probably fall into the above category of abuse. If you are doing more than 60 requests a minute, you should probably give peppy a yell.

add_comment_vote(comment: int) CommentBundle

Upvotes a comment.

Requires OAuth, scope lazer, and a user (authorization code grant, delegate scope, or password auth)


comment: int

Comment id



chat_acknowledge(history_since: int | None = None, since: int | None = None) Sequence[UserSilence]

Send a chat ack.

Requires OAuth, scope lazer, and a user (authorization code grant, delegate scope, or password auth)


history_since: Optional[int]

UserSilence s after the specified id to return. This field is preferred and takes precedence over since.

since: Optional[int]

UserSilence s after the specified ChatMessage.message_id to return.



check_download_quota() int

Get the amount of quota you’ve used.

Requires OAuth, lazer scope, and a user (authorization code grant, delegate scope, or password auth).



create_channel(channel_type: ChatChannelType | str, target_id: int | None = None, target_ids: Sequence[int] | None = None, message: str | None = None, channel: Dict[str, str] | None = None) ChatChannel

[This description may be outdated]

This endpoint creates a new channel if doesn’t exist and joins it. Currently only for rejoining existing PM channels which the user has left.

Requires OAuth, scope lazer, and a user (authorization code grant, delegate scope, or password auth)


channel_type: Union[ChatChannelType, str]

channel type (currently only supports PM and ANNOUNCE)

target_id: Optional[int]

target user id; required if type is PM; ignored, otherwise.

target_ids: Optional[Sequence[int]]

target user ids; required if type is ANNOUNCE; ignored, otherwise.

message: Optional[str]

message to send with the announcement; required if type is ANNOUNCE.

channel: Optional[Dict[str, str]]

channel details; required if type is ANNOUNCE.

name: str

the channel name

description: str

the channel description



contains recent_messages attribute (which is deprecated).

create_multiplayer_room(name: str, starting_map: PlaylistItemUtil | dict, password: str | None = None, queue_mode: RealTimeQueueMode | str | None = RealTimeQueueMode.HOST_ONLY, auto_start_duration: int | None = 0, room_type: RoomType | str | None = RoomType.HEAD_TO_HEAD, auto_skip: bool | None = False) Room

Create a multiplayer (realtime) room.

Requires OAuth, lazer scope, and a user (authorization code grant, delegate scope, or password auth).


name: str

Name of the room

starting_map: Union[PlaylistItemUtil, dict]

password: Optional[str]

Password to enter the room which is optional.

queue_mode: Optional[Union[RealTimeQueueMode, str]]

The mode for queuing maps.

auto_start_duration: Optional[int]

room_type: Optional[Union[RoomType, str]]

auto_skip: Optional[bool]

Whether to automatically skip intro or not.



create_new_pm(target_id: int, message: str, is_action: bool, uuid: str | None = None) CreateNewPmResult

This endpoint allows you to create a new PM channel.

Requires OAuth, scope chat.write, and a user (authorization code grant, delegate scope, or password auth)


target_id: int

user_id of user to start PM with

message: str

message to send

is_action: bool

whether the message is an action

uuid: Optional[str]

client-side message identifier which will be sent back in response and websocket json.



create_playlist(name: str, playlist_items: Sequence[PlaylistItemUtil | dict], duration: int | None = None, ends_at: str | datetime | None = None, max_attempts: int | None = None, queue_mode: PlaylistQueueMode | str | None = PlaylistQueueMode.HOST_ONLY, auto_start_duration: int | None = 0) Room

Create a playlist

Requires OAuth, lazer scope, and a user (authorization code grant, delegate scope, or password auth).


name: str

Name of the playlist

playlist_items: Sequence[Union[PlaylistItemUtil, dict]]

List of beatmaps to put on the playlist

duration: Optional[int]

Duration for the playlist to last in minutes. If not specified then an end time must be specified. The playlist must have a duration of at least 30 minutes.

ends_at: Optional[Union[datetime.datetime, str]]

Time for the playlist to end at. If not specified then a duration must be specified. Must amount to a duration of at least 30 minutes.

max_attempts: Optional[int]

Null means infinite attempts.

queue_mode: Optional[Union[PlaylistQueueMode, str]]

PlaylistQueueMode.HOST_ONLY is the only option

auto_start_duration: Optional[int]



create_topic(body: str, forum_id: int, title: str, with_poll: bool | None = None, hide_results: bool | None = None, length_days: int | None = None, max_options: int | None = None, poll_options: str | None = None, poll_title: str | None = None, vote_change: bool | None = None) CreateTopicResult

Create a new topic.

Requires OAuth, scope forum.write, and a user (authorization code grant, delegate scope, or password auth)


body: str

Content of the topic.

forum_id: int

Forum to create the topic in.

title: str

Title of the topic.

with_poll: Optional[bool]

Enable this to also create poll in the topic (default: false).

hide_results: Optional[bool]

Enable this to hide result until voting period ends (default: false).

length_days: Optional[int]

Number of days for voting period. 0 means the voting will never ends (default: 0). This parameter is required if hide_results option is enabled.

max_options: Optional[int]

Maximum number of votes each user can cast (default: 1).

poll_options: Optional[str]

Newline-separated list of voting options. BBCode is supported.

poll_title: Optional[str]

Title of the poll.

vote_change: Optional[bool]

Enable this to allow user to change their votes (default: false).



delete_comment(comment: int) CommentBundle

Deletes the specified comment.

Requires OAuth, scope lazer, and a user (authorization code grant, delegate scope, or password auth)


comment: int

Comment id



download_beatmapset(beatmapset_id: int, path: str, chunk_write_size: int = 4096) None

Download a beatmapset

Requires OAuth, lazer scope, and a user (authorization code grant, delegate scope, or password auth).


beatmapset_id: int

Id of the beatmapset

path: str

Path to write the beatmapset to

chunk_write_size: int

File is written in chunks and this defines chunk size in bytes. Defaults to 4096.

edit_comment(comment: int, message: str | None = None) CommentBundle

Edit an existing comment.

Requires OAuth, scope lazer, and a user (authorization code grant, delegate scope, or password auth)


comment: int

Comment id

message: Optional[str]

New text of the comment



edit_post(post: int, body: str) ForumPost

Edit specified forum post.

Requires OAuth and scope forum.write

post: int

Id of the post.

body: str

New post content in BBCode format.



edit_topic(topic: int, topic_title: str) ForumTopic

Edit topic. Only title can be edited through this endpoint.

Requires OAuth and scope forum.write


topic: int

Id of the topic.

topic_title: str

New topic title.



favourite_beatmapset(beatmapset_id: int, favourite: bool) int

Add or remove a favourite beatmapset

Requires OAuth, lazer scope, and a user (authorization code grant, delegate scope, or password auth).


beatmapset_id: int

favourite: bool

whether to favourite (true) or unfavourite (false)



The number of favourites on the beatmapsets

classmethod from_client_credentials(client_id: int, client_secret: str, redirect_url: str | None, scope: ~osu.objects.scope.Scope | None = <osu.objects.scope.Scope object>, code: str | None = None, request_wait_time: float | None = 1.0, limit_per_minute: float | None = 60.0) Client

Returns a Client object from client id, client secret, redirect uri, and scope.


client_id: int

API Client id

client_secret: int

API Client secret

redirect_uri: Optional[str]

API redirect uri

scope: Optional[Scope]

Scopes to use. Default is Scope.default() which is just the public scope.

code: Optional[str]

If provided, is used to authorize. Read more about this under AuthHandler.get_auth_token

request_wait_time: Optional[float]

Default is 1.

This defines the amount of time that the client should wait before making another request. It can make it easier to stay within the rate limits without using all your requests up quickly and then waiting forever to make another. It’s most applicable in bot-type apps.

limit_per_minute: Optional[float]

Default is 60 because that’s the limit peppy requests that we stay under.

This sets a cap on the number of requests the client is allowed to make within 1 minute of time.



classmethod from_osu_credentials(username: str, password: str, request_wait_time: float | None = 1.0, limit_per_minute: float | None = 60.0) Client

Returns a Client object which will make authorize and make requests to lazer.ppy.sh

username: str

osu! username login

password: str

osu! password login

request_wait_time: Optional[float]

Read under Client init parameters.

limit_per_minute: Optional[float]

Read under Client init parameters.

get_beatmap(beatmap: int) Beatmap

Gets beatmap data for the specified beatmap ID.

Requires OAuth and scope public


beatmap: int

The ID of the beatmap



Includes attributes beatmapset, beatmapset.ratings, failtimes, max_combo.

get_beatmap_attributes(beatmap: int, mods: int | Mods | Sequence[str | Mods | int] | None = None, ruleset: str | GameModeStr | None = None, ruleset_id: int | GameModeInt | None = None) BeatmapDifficultyAttributes

Returns difficulty attributes of beatmap with specific mode and mods combination.

Requires OAuth and scope public


beatmap: int

Beatmap id.

mods: Optional[Union[int, Sequence[Union[str, Mods, int]], Mods]]

Mod combination. Can be either a bitset of mods, a Mods enum, or array of any. Defaults to no mods. Some mods may cause the api to throw an HTTP 422 error depending on the map’s gamemode.

ruleset: Optional[Union[GameModeStr, str]]

Ruleset of the difficulty attributes. Only valid if it’s the beatmap ruleset or the beatmap can be converted to the specified ruleset. Defaults to ruleset of the specified beatmap.

ruleset_id: Optional[Union[GameModeInt, int]]

The same as ruleset but in integer form.



get_beatmap_scores(beatmap: int, mode: str | GameModeStr | None = None, mods: Mods | Sequence[Mods | Mod | str] | None = None, ranking_type: str | None = None) BeatmapScores

Returns the top scores for a beatmap

Requires OAuth and scope public


beatmap: int

Id of the beatmap

mode: Optional[Union[str, GameModeStr]]

The game mode to get scores for

mods: Optional[Union[Mods, Sequence[Union[Mods, Mod, str]]]]

Must pass one of: a Mods object, a list of string mod abbreviations, a list of Mods objects, a list of :classL`Mod` objects

ranking_type: Optional[str]

Beatmap score ranking type. Currently doesn’t do anything.



LegacyScore object inside includes “user” and the included user includes “country” and “cover”.

get_beatmaps(ids: Sequence[int] | None = None) List[Beatmap]

Returns list of beatmaps.

Requires OAuth and scope public


ids: Optional[List[int]]

Beatmap id to be returned. Specify once for each beatmap id requested. Up to 50 beatmaps can be requested at once.



Includes attributes beatmapset, beatmapset.ratings, failtimes, max_combo.

get_beatmapset(beatmapset_id: int) Beatmapset

Get beatmapset by id.

Requires OAuth and scope public


beatmapset_id: int



get_beatmapset_discussion_posts(beatmapset_discussion_id: int | None = None, limit: int | None = None, page: int | None = None, sort: str | None = None, types: Sequence[str] | None = None, user: int | None = None, with_deleted: str | None = None, cursor: Dict[str, int] | None = None) BeatmapsetDiscussionPostsResult

Returns the posts of the beatmapset discussions

Requires OAuth and scope public


beatmapset_discussion_id: Optional[int]

id of the BeatmapsetDiscussion

limit: Optional[int]

Maximum number of results

page: Optional[int]

Search results page.

sort: Optional[str]

id_desc for newest first; id_asc for oldest first. Defaults to id_desc

type: Optional[Sequence[str]]

first, reply, system are the valid values. Defaults to reply.

user: Optional[int]

The id of the user

with_deleted: Optional[str]

This param has no effect as api calls do not currently receive group permissions.

cursor: Optional[Dict[str, int]]

A cursor object received from a previous call to get_beatmapset_discussion_posts (BeatmapsetDiscussionPostsResult.cursor)



get_beatmapset_discussion_votes(beatmapset_discussion_id: int | None = None, limit: int | None = None, page: int | None = None, receiver: int | None = None, score: int | None = None, sort: str | None = None, user: int | None = None, with_deleted: str | None = None, cursor: Dict[str, int] | None = None) BeatmapsetDiscussionVotesResult

Returns the votes given to beatmapset discussions

Requires OAuth and scope public


beatmapset_discussion_id: Optional[int]

id of the BeatmapsetDiscussion

limit: Optional[int]

Maximum number of results

page: Optional[int]

Search results page.

receiver: Optional[int]

The id of the User receiving the votes.

score: Optional[int]

1 for upvote, -1 for downvote

sort: Optional[str]

id_desc for newest first; id_asc for oldest first. Defaults to id_desc

user: Optional[int]

The id of the User giving the votes.

with_deleted: Optional[str]

This param has no effect as api calls do not currently receive group permissions

cursor: Optional[Dict[str, int]]

A cursor object received from a previous call to get_beatmapset_discussion_votes (BeatmapsetDiscussionVotesResult.cursor)



get_beatmapset_discussions(beatmap_id: int | None = None, beatmapset_id: int | None = None, beatmapset_status: str | None = None, limit: int | None = None, message_types: Sequence[str | MessageType] | None = None, only_unresolved: bool | None = None, page: int | None = None, sort: str | None = None, user: int | None = None, with_deleted: str | None = None, cursor: Dict[str, int] | None = None) BeatmapsetDiscussionsResult

Returns a list of beatmapset discussions

Requires OAuth and scope public


beatmap_id: Optional[int]

id of the beatmap

beatmapset_id: Optional[int]

id of the beatmapset

beatmapset_status: Optional[str]

One of all, ranked, qualified, disqualified, never_qualified. Defaults to all.

limit: Optional[int]

Maximum number of results.

message_types: Optional[Sequence[Union[str, MessageType]]]

None defaults to all types.

only_unresolved: Optional[bool]

true to show only unresolved issues; false, otherwise. Defaults to false.

page: Optional[int]

Search result page.

sort: Optional[str]

id_desc for newest first; id_asc for oldest first. Defaults to id_desc.

user: Optional[int]

The id of the User.

with_deleted: Optional[str]

This param has no effect as api calls do not currently receive group permissions.

cursor: Optional[Dict[str, int]]

A cursor object received from a previous call to get_beatmapset_discussions (BeatmapsetDiscussionsResult.cursor)



get_beatmapset_events(page: int | None = None, limit: int | None = None, sort: str | BeatmapsetEventSort | None = None, type: str | BeatmapsetEventType | None = None, min_date: str | datetime | None = None, max_date: str | datetime | None = None) GetBeatmapsetEventsResult

Returns a list of beatmapset events.

Requires OAuth and scope public.


page: Optional[int]

limit: Optional[int]

sort: Optional[Union[str, BeatmapsetEventSort]]

Specified a sort order.

type: Optional[Union[str, BeatmapsetEventType]]

Specifies for only a certain type of event to be returned.



get_changelog_build(stream: str, build: str) Build

Returns details of the specified build.


stream: str

Update stream name.

build: str

Build version.


A Build with changelog_entries, changelog_entries.github_user, and versions included.

get_changelog_listing(start: str | None = None, max_id: int | None = None, stream: str | None = None, end: str | None = None, message_formats: Sequence[str] | None = None) ChangelogListingResult

Returns a listing of update streams, builds, and changelog entries.


start: Optional[str]

Minimum build version.

max_id: Optional[int]

Maximum build ID.

stream: Optional[str]

Stream name to return builds from.

end: Optional[str]

Maximum build version.

message_formats: Optional[Sequence[str]]

html, markdown. Default to both.



get_channel(channel_id: int) GetChannelResult

Gets details of a chat channel.

Requires OAuth, scope lazer, and a user (authorization code grant, delegate scope, or password auth)


channel_id: int



get_channel_list() List[ChatChannel]

This endpoint returns a list of all joinable public channels.

Requires OAuth, scope lazer, and a user (authorization code grant, delegate scope, or password auth)



get_channel_messages(channel_id: int, limit: int | None = None, since: int | None = None, until: int | None = None) List[ChatMessage]

This endpoint returns the chat messages for a specific channel. You may need to first join the channel with osu.Client.join_channel().

Requires OAuth, scope lazer, and a user (authorization code grant, delegate scope, or password auth)


channel_id: int

The ID of the channel to retrieve messages for

limit: Optional[int]

number of messages to return (max of 50)

since: Optional[int]

messages after the specified message id will be returned

until: Optional[int]

messages up to but not including the specified message id will be returned



get_comment(comment: int) CommentBundle

Gets a comment and its replies up to 2 levels deep.

Does not require OAuth


comment: int

Comment id



get_comments(commentable_type: ObjectType | str | None = None, commentable_id: int | None = None, cursor: dict | None = None, parent_id: int | None = None, sort: str | CommentSort | None = None) CommentBundle

Returns a list comments and their replies up to 2 levels deep.

Does not require OAuth


commentable_type: Optional[Union[ObjectType, str]

The type of resource to get comments for. Must be of the following types: beatmapset, build, news_post

commentable_id: Optional[int]

The id of the resource to get comments for. Id correlates with commentable_type.

cursor: Optional[dict]

Pagination option. See CommentSort for detail. The format follows Cursor except it’s not currently included in the response.

parent_id: Optional[int]

Limit to comments which are reply to the specified id. Specify 0 to get top level comments.

sort: Optional[Union[str, CommentSort]]

Sort option as defined in CommentSort. Defaults to new for guests and user-specified default when authenticated.



pinned_comments is only included when commentable_type and commentable_id are specified.

get_friends() List[UserCompact]

Returns a list of friends.

Requires OAuth, scope friends.read, and a user (authorization code grant, delegate scope, or password auth).



get_lazer_beatmap_scores(beatmap: int, mode: str | GameModeStr | None = None, mods: str | None = None, type: str | None = None) BeatmapScores

Returns the top scores for a beatmap on the lazer client.

Requires OAuth and scope public


beatmap: int

ID of the beatmap

mode: Optional[Union[str, GameModeStr]]

The game mode to get scores for

mods: Optional[str]

Must pass one of: a Mods object, a list of string mod abbreviations, a list of Mods objects, a list of :classL`Mod` objects

type: Optional[str]

Beatmap score ranking type. Currently doesn’t do anything.



SoloScore object inside includes “user” and the included user includes “country” and “cover”.

get_match(match_id: int) MatchExtended

Returns a match by id.

Requires OAuth and scope public.


match_id: int

The match id.



get_matches(limit: int | None = None, sort: str | MatchSort | None = None, cursor: Dict | None = None) GetMatchesResult

Returns a list of matches.

Requires OAuth and scope public.


limit: Optional[int]

sort: Optional[Union[str, MatchSort]]

cursor: Optional[Dict]

Dictionary containing one key: match_id. Can be obtained from a previous call to this function or manually created.



get_news_listing(limit: int | None = None, year: int | None = None, cursor: dict | None = None) GetNewsListingResult

Returns a list of news posts and related metadata.


limit: Optional[int]

Maximum number of posts (12 default, 1 minimum, 21 maximum).

year: Optional[int]

Year to return posts from.

cursor: Optional[str]

Cursor for pagination.



get_news_post(news: str, key: str | None = None) NewsPost

Returns details of the specified news post.


news: class:str

News post slug or ID.

key: Optional[str]

Unset to query by slug, or id to query by ID.


Returns a NewsPost with content and navigation included.

get_notifications(max_id: int | None = None) GetNotificationsResult

This endpoint returns a list of the user’s unread notifications. Sorted descending by id with limit of 50.

Requires OAuth, scope lazer, a user (authorization code grant, delegate scope, or password auth)


max_id: Optional[int]

Maximum id fetched. Can be used to load earlier notifications. Defaults to no limit (fetch latest notifications)



get_open_chat_channels() List[ChatChannel]

Get a list of chat channels that you have open. Includes recent DMs and public chat channels.

Requires OAuth, lazer scope, and a user (authorization code grant, delegate scope, or password auth).



get_own_data(mode: str | GameModeStr = '') User

Similar to get_user but with authenticated user (token owner) as user id.

Requires OAuth, scope identify, and a user (authorization code grant, delegate scope, or password auth)


mode: Optional[str, GameModeStr]

GameMode. User default mode will be used if not specified.


See return for get_user

get_ranking(mode: str | GameModeStr, type: str | RankingType, country: str | None = None, cursor: dict | None = None, filter: str | None = None, spotlight: int | None = None, variant: str | None = None) Rankings

Gets the current ranking for the specified type and game mode.

Requires OAuth and scope public

mode: Union[str, GameModeStr]

type: Union[str, RankingType]


country: Optional[str]

Filter ranking by country code. Only available for type of performance.

cursor: Optional[dict]

filter: Optional[str]

Either all (default) or friends.

spotlight: Optional[int]

The id of the spotlight if type is charts. Ranking for latest spotlight will be returned if not specified.

variant: Optional[str]

Filter ranking to specified mode variant. For mode of mania, it’s either 4k or 7k. Only available for type of performance.



get_replay_data(mode, score_id) Replay

Returns replay data for a score.

Requires OAuth, scope public, and a user (authorization code grant, delegate scope, or password auth).


mode: Union[str, GameModeStr]

score_id: int



get_room(room_id: int) Room

Returns a room by id.

Requires OAuth and scope public.


room_id: int

The room id.



get_room_leaderboard(room_id: int) GetRoomLeaderboardResult

Return a room’s leaderboard. The UserScoreAggregate objects returned under the “leaderboard” key contain the “user” attribute. The UserScoreAggregate object under the “user_score” key contains the “user” and “position” attributes.

Requires OAuth, scope public, and a user (authorization code grant, delegate scope, or password auth).


room_id: int



get_rooms(mode: str | GameModeStr = '', sort: str | RoomSort | None = None, limit: int | None = None, room_type: RoomType | str | None = None, category: RoomCategory | str | None = None, filter_mode: RoomFilterMode | str | None = None) List[Room]

Returns a list of rooms.

Requires OAuth, scope public, and a user (authorization code grant, delegate scope, or password auth).


mode: Optional[Union[str, GameModeStr]]

Game mode to filter rooms by.

sort: Optional[Union[str, RoomSort]]

Sort rooms by.

limit: Optional[int]

max number of rooms to return

room_type: Optional[Union[RoomType, str]]

type of room to look for

category: Optional[Union[RoomCategory, str]]

type of category of room to look for

filter_mode: Optional[Union[RoomFilterMode, str]]

get_score_by_id(mode, score_id) LegacyScore | SoloScore

Returns a score by id.

Requires OAuth and scope public.


mode: Union[str, GameModeStr]

score_id: int


Union[SoloScore, LegacyScore]

get_scores(room: int, playlist: int, limit: int | None = None, sort: str | MultiplayerScoresSort | None = None, cursor: str | None = None) MultiplayerScores

Requires OAuth, scope public, and a user (authorization code grant, delegate scope, or password auth)


room: int

Id of the room.

playlist: int

Id of the playlist item.

limit: Optional[int]

Number of scores to be returned.

sort: Optional[Union[str, MultiplayerScoresSort]]

cursor: Optional[str]

MultiplayerScores.cursor value from a previous call to get next page.



get_seasonal_backgrounds() SeasonalBackgrounds

Get the season backgrounds.

Doesn’t require OAuth



get_spotlights() Spotlights

Gets the list of spotlights.

Requires OAuth and scope public



get_topic_and_posts(topic: int, cursor: str | None = None, sort: str | None = None, limit: int | None = None, start: int | None = None, end: int | None = None) GetTopicAndPostsResult

Get topic and its posts.

Requires OAuth and scope public


topic: int

Id of the topic.

cursor: Optional[str]

Parameter for pagination.

sort: Optional[str]

Post sorting option. Valid values are id_asc (default) and id_desc.

limit: Optional[int]

Maximum number of posts to be returned (20 default, 50 at most).

start: Optional[int]

First post id to be returned with sort set to id_asc. This parameter is ignored if cursor_string is specified.

end: Optional[int]

First post id to be returned with sort set to id_desc. This parameter is ignored if cursor_string is specified.



get_updates(since: int = 0, includes: Sequence[str] | None = None, history_since: int | None = None) GetUpdatesResult

This endpoint returns new messages since the given message_id along with updated channel ‘presence’ data.

Requires OAuth, scope lazer, a user (authorization code grant, delegate scope, or password auth)


since: int

Defaults to 0. UserSilence`s after the specified `ChatMessage.message_id to return.

includes: Optional[Sequence[str]]

List of fields from presence, silences to include in the response. Uses presences if not specified.

history_since: Optional[int]

UserSilence`s after the specified id to return. This field is preferred and takes precedence over `since.



get_user(user: int, mode: str | GameModeStr | None = '', key: str | None = None) User

This endpoint returns the detail of specified user.

NOTE: It’s highly recommended to pass key parameter to avoid getting unexpected result (mainly when looking up user with numeric username or nonexistent user id).

Requires OAuth and scope public


user: Union[int, str]

Id or username of the user. Id lookup is prioritised unless key parameter is specified. Previous usernames are also checked in some cases.

mode: Optional[Union[str, GameModeStr]

User default mode will be used if not specified.

key: Optional[str]

Type of user passed in url parameter. Can be either id or username to limit lookup by their respective type. Passing empty or invalid value will result in id lookup followed by username lookup if not found.



Includes attributes account_history, active_tournament_banner, badges, beatmap_playcounts_count, favourite_beatmapset_count, follower_count, graveyard_beatmapset_count, groups, loved_beatmapset_count, mapping_follower_count, monthly_playcounts, page, pending_beatmapset_count, previous_usernames, rank_highest, rank_history, ranked_beatmapset_count, replays_watched_counts, scores_best_count, scores_first_count, scores_recent_count, statistics, statistics.country_rank, statistics.rank, statistics.variants, support_level, user_achievements.

get_user_beatmap_score(beatmap: int, user: int, mode: str | GameModeStr | None = None, mods: Sequence[str] | None = None) BeatmapUserScore

Returns a user’s score on a Beatmap

Requires OAuth and scope public


beatmap: int

Id of the beatmap

user: int

Id of the user

mode: Optional[Union[str, GameModeStr]]

The game mode to get scores for

mods: Optional[Sequence[str]]

An array of matching mods, or none. Currently doesn’t do anything.



get_user_beatmap_scores(beatmap: int, user: int, mode: str | GameModeStr | None = None) List[LegacyScore | SoloScore]

Returns a user’s scores on a Beatmap

Requires OAuth and scope public


beatmap: int

Id of the beatmap

user: int

Id of the user

mode: Optional[Union[str, GameModeStr]]

The game mode to get scores for


List[Union[LegacyScore, SoloScore]]

get_user_beatmaps(user: int, type: str | UserBeatmapType, limit: int | None = None, offset: int | None = None) List[BeatmapPlaycount | Beatmapset]

Returns the beatmaps of specified user.

Requires OAuth and scope public


user: int

Id of the user.

type: Union[str, UserBeatmapType]

Beatmap type. Can be one of favourite, graveyard, loved, most_played, pending, ranked.

limit: Optional[int]

Maximum number of results.

offset: Optional[int]

Result offset for pagination.


List[Union[BeatmapPlaycount, Beatmapset]]

BeatmapPlaycount for type most_played and Beatmapset for any other type.

get_user_highscore(room: int, playlist: int, user: int) MultiplayerScore

Requires OAuth, scope lazer, and a user (authorization code grant, delegate scope, or password auth)


room: int

Id of the room.

playlist: int

Id of the playlist item.

user: int

User id.



get_user_kudosu(user: int, limit: int | None = None, offset: int | None = None)

Returns kudosu history.

Requires OAuth and scope public


user: int

Id of the user.

limit: Optional[int]

Maximum number of results.

offset: Optional[int]

Result offset for pagination.



get_user_recent_activity(user: int, limit: int | None = None, offset: int | None = None) List[AchievementEvent | BeatmapPlaycountEvent | BeatmapsetApproveEvent | BeatmapsetDeleteEvent | BeatmapsetReviveEvent | BeatmapsetUpdateEvent | BeatmapsetUploadEvent | RankEvent | RankLostEvent | UserSupportAgain | UserSupportFirst | UserSupportGift | UsernameChangeEvent]

Returns recent activity.

Requires OAuth and scope public


user: int

Id of the user.

limit: Optional[int]

Maximum number of results.

offset: Optional[int]

Result offset for pagination.



list of Event objects

get_user_scores(user: int, type: UserScoreType | str, include_fails: bool | None = False, mode: str | GameModeStr | None = None, limit: int | None = None, offset: int | None = None) List[LegacyScore | SoloScore]

This endpoint returns the scores of specified user.

Requires OAuth and scope public


user: int

Id of the user.

type: Union[UserScoreType str]

Score type. Must be one of best, firsts, recent

include_fails: Optional[bool]

Only for recent scores, include scores of failed plays. Defaults to False.

mode: Optional[Union[GameModeStr, str]]

game mode of the scores to be returned. Defaults to the specified user’s mode.

limit: Optional[int]

Maximum number of results.

offset: Optional[int]

Result offset for pagination.


Sequence[Union[LegacyScore, SoloScore]]

Includes attributes beatmap, beatmapset. Additionally includes weight if type is best.

get_users(ids: Sequence[int]) List[UserCompact]

Returns list of users.

Requires OAuth and scope public


ids: Sequence[int]

User id to be returned. Specify once for each user id requested. Up to 50 users can be requested at once.



Includes attributes: country, cover, groups, statistics_rulesets.

get_wiki_page(locale: str, path: str) WikiPage

The wiki article or image data.

No OAuth required.


locale: str

Two-letter language code of the wiki page.

path: str

The path name of the wiki page.



join_channel(channel: int, user: int) ChatChannel

This endpoint allows you (or someone else) to join a public channel.

Requires OAuth, scope lazer, and a user (authorization code grant, delegate scope, or password auth)


channel: int

channel id of channel to join

user: int

user id of user joining



join_user_to_room(room: int, user: int, password: str | None = None) None

Join a user to a room.

Requires OAuth, lazer scope, and a user (authorization code grant, delegate scope, or password auth).


room: int

user: int

password: Optional[str]

kick_user_from_room(room: int, user: int) None

Kick a user from a room.

Requires OAuth, lazer scope, and a user (authorization code grant, delegate scope, or password auth).


room: int

user: int

leave_channel(channel: int, user: int) None

This endpoint allows you (or someone else) to leave a public channel.

Requires OAuth, scope lazer, and a user (authorization code grant, delegate scope, or password auth)


channel: int

channel id of channel to leave

user: int

user id of user leaving

lookup_beatmap(checksum: str | None = None, filename: str | None = None, id: int | None = None) Beatmap

Returns beatmap.

Requires OAuth and scope public


checksum: Optional[str]

A beatmap checksum.

filename: Optional[str]

A filename to lookup

id: Optional[int]

A beatmap ID to lookup



lookup_changelog_build(changelog: str, key: str | None = None, message_formats: Sequence[str] | None = None) Build

Returns details of the specified build.


changelog: str

Build version, update stream name, or build ID.

key: Optional[str]

Leave blank to query by build version or stream name, or id to query by build ID.

message_formats: Optional[Sequence[str]]

html, markdown. Default to both.


A Build with changelog_entries, changelog_entries.github_user, and versions included.

mark_channel_as_read(channel_id: int, message_id: int) None

This endpoint marks the channel as having being read up to the given message_id.

Requires OAuth, scope lazer, and a user (authorization code grant, delegate scope, or password auth)


channel_id: int

The channel_id of the channel to mark as read

message_id: int

The message_id of the message to mark as read up to

mark_notifications_read(identities: Sequence[IdentitiesUtil | Dict[str, str | int]] | None = None, notifications: Sequence[NotificationsUtil | Dict[str, str]] | None = None) None

This endpoint allows you to mark notifications read. Should only supply one of the arguments.

Requires OAuth, scope lazer, a user (authorization code grant, delegate scope, or password auth)


identities: Optional[Sequence[Union[IdentitiesUtil, Dict[str, str]]]]

notifications: Optional[Sequence[Union[NotificationsUtil, Dict[str, str]]]]

post_comment(commentable_type: ObjectType | str | None = None, commentable_id: int | None = None, message: str | None = None, parent_id: int | None = None) CommentBundle

Posts a new comment to a comment thread.

Requires OAuth, scope lazer, and a user (authorization code grant, delegate scope, or password auth)


commentable_type: Optional[Union[ObjectType, str]

The type of resource to get comments for. Must be of the following types: beatmapset, build, news_post

commentable_id: Optional[int]

The id of the resource to get comments for. Id correlates with commentable_type.

message: Optional[str]

Text of the comment

parent_id: Optional[int]

The id of the comment to reply to, null if not a reply



remove_comment_vote(comment: int) CommentBundle

Un-upvotes a comment.

Requires OAuth, scope lazer, and a user (authorization code grant, delegate scope, or password auth)


comment: int

Comment id



reply_topic(topic: int, body: str) ForumPost

Create a post replying to the specified topic.

Requires OAuth, scope forum.write, and a user (authorization code grant, delegate scope, or password auth)


topic: int

Id of the topic to be replied to.

body: str

Content of the reply post.



body attributes included

report(comments: str, reason: str, reportable_id: int, reportable_type: ObjectType | str) None

Send a report.

Requires OAuth, lazer scope, and a user (authorization code grant, delegate scope, or password auth).


comments: str

reason: str

reportable_id: id

reportable_type: Union[str, ObjectType]

revoke_current_token() None

Revokes currently authenticated token.

Requires OAuth

search(mode: str | WikiSearchMode | None = None, query: str | None = None, page: int | None = None) SearchResult

Searches users and wiki pages.

Requires OAuth and scope public


mode: Optional[Union[str, WikiSearchMode]]

Either all, user, or wiki_page. Default is all.

query: Optional[str]

Search keyword.

page: Optional[int]

Search result page. Ignored for mode all.



search_beatmapsets(filters=None, page=None) BeatmapsetSearchResult

Search for beatmapsets.

Requires OAuth and scope public.


filters: Optional[BeatmapsetSearchFilter]

page: Optional[int]



send_message_to_channel(channel_id: int, message: str, is_action: bool) ChatMessage

This endpoint sends a message to the specified channel.

Requires OAuth, scope lazer, and a user (authorization code grant, delegate scope, or password auth)


channel: int

The channel_id of the channel to send message to

message: str

message to send

is_action: bool

whether the message is an action



class osu.AuthHandler(client_id: int, client_secret: str, redirect_url: str, scope: ~osu.objects.scope.Scope | None = <osu.objects.scope.Scope object>)

Helps to go through the oauth process easily, as well as refresh tokens without the user needing to worry about it.

Note: If you’re not authorizing a user with a url for a code, this does not apply to you. AuthHandler does not save refresh tokens past the program finishing. AuthHandler will save the refresh token to refresh the access token while the program is running, so make sure to save the refresh token before shutting down the program so you can use it to get a valid access token without having the user reauthorize.

Init Parameters

client_id: int

Client id

client_secret: str

Client secret

redirect_uri: str

Redirect uri

scope: Optional[Scope]

Scope object helps the program identify what requests you can and can’t make with your scope. Default is ‘public’ (Scope.default())

classmethod from_save_data(save_data: dict)

Create a new AuthHandler object from save data.

get_auth_token(code: str | None = None)

code parameter is not required, but without a code the scopes are restricted to public and delegate (more on delegation below). You can obtain a code by having a user authorize themselves under a url which you can get with get_auth_url. Read more about it under that function.

Client Credentials Delegation

Client Credentials Grant tokens may be allowed to act on behalf of the owner of the OAuth client (delegation) by requesting the delegate scope, in addition to other scopes supporting delegation. When using delegation, scopes that support delegation cannot be used together with scopes that do not support delegation. Delegation is only available to Chat Bots. Currently, chat.write is the only other scope that supports delegation.


code: Optional[str]

code from user authorizing at a specific url

get_auth_url(state: str | None = '')

Returns a url that a user can authorize their account at. They’ll then be returned to the redirect_uri with a code that can be used under get_auth_token.


state: Optional[str]

Will be returned to the redirect_uri along with the code.


Get save data in json format. Can be used to easily initiate a new AuthHandler object in a new session.



‘save_version’: int,

‘client_id’: int,

‘client_secret’: str,

‘redirect_url’: str,

‘scope’: str,

‘refresh_token’: str,


refresh_access_token(refresh_token: str | None = None)

This function is usually executed by HTTPHandler, but if you have a refresh token saved from the last session, then you can fill in the refresh_token argument which this function will use to get a valid token.


refresh_token: Optional[str]

A refresh token used to get a new access token.

set_refresh_callback(callback: Callable[[AuthHandler], None])

Set a callback to be called everytime the access token is refreshed.


callback: Callable[['AuthHandler'], None]

property token

Returns the access token. If the token is expired, it will be refreshed before being returned.

class osu.LazerAuthHandler(username: str, password: str)
class osu.NotificationWebsocket(notification_uri, auth, loop=None)

This class allows you to receive notifications without constantly polling the server. To utilize it you should do either of: - Make a class inheriting this one and redefine the event functions (on_logout, on_new, …). - Use the event function as a decorator, read more on its use under its docs.

Event types


Fired when the websocket establishes connection.


Server will disconnect session after sending this event so don’t try to reconnect.


New notification. See Notification object for notification types.


notification: Notification


Notification has been read.


notifications: Sequence[ReadNotification]

list of notifications that were read

timestamp: datetime.datetime

time at which the notifications were read


Broadcast to the user when the user joins a chat channel.


channel: ChatChannel

Has the current_user_attributes, last_message_id, and users attributes.


Broadcast to the user when the user leaves a chat channel.


channel: ChatChannel

Has the current_user_attributes, last_message_id, and users attributes.


Sent to the user when the user receives a chat message.

Messages intented for a user are always sent even if the user does not currently have the channel open. Such messages include PM and Announcement messages.

Other messages, e.g. public channel messages are not sent if the user is no longer present in the channel.


messages: Sequence[ChatMessage]

The message received

users: Sequence[UserCompact]

The related uesrs who sent the messages.


Event fired by NotificationWebsocket object when there’s a disconnection without having been sent a logout event.


Connect to the uri and start receiving events. This function does not return until the websocket disconnects.


Decorator for adding event functions. Example:

notification_websocket = NotificationWebsocket(notif_uri, auth)

def new(notification):

Endpoint results

Some endpoints return specific responses that don’t represent any specific objects.

class osu.BeatmapsetDiscussionPostsResult(beatmapsets: List[BeatmapsetCompact], posts: List[BeatmapsetDiscussionPost], users: List[UserCompact], cursor: str)

Result of osu.Client.get_beatmapset_discussion_posts()


beatmapsets: List[BeatmapsetCompact]

posts: List[BeatmapsetDiscussionPost]

users: List[UserCompact]

cursor: Dict[str, int]

class osu.BeatmapsetDiscussionsResult(beatmaps: List[Beatmap], discussions: List[BeatmapsetDiscussion], included_discussions: List[BeatmapsetDiscussion], users: List[UserCompact], reviews_config: ReviewsConfig, cursor: str)

Result of osu.Client.get_beatmapset_discussions()


beatmaps: List[Beatmap]

discussions: List[BeatmapsetDiscussion]

included_discussions: List[BeatmapsetDiscussion]

users: List[UserCompact]

reviews_config: ReviewsConfig

cursor: str

class osu.BeatmapsetDiscussionVotesResult(discussions: List[BeatmapsetDiscussion], votes: List[BeatmapsetDiscussionVote], users: List[UserCompact], cursor: str)

Result of osu.Client.get_beatmapset_discussion_votes()


discussions: List[BeatmapsetDiscussion]

votes: List[BeatmapsetDiscussionVote]

users: List[UserCompact]

cursor: Dict[str, int]

class osu.BeatmapsetSearchResult(beatmapsets: List[Beatmapset], cursor: Dict, search: SearchInfo, recommended_difficulty: float | None, error: str | None, total: int)

Result of osu.client.search_beatmapsets()


beatmapsets: List[Beatmapset]

cursor: Dict

search: SearchInfo

recommended_difficulty: Optional[int]

error: Optional[str]

total: int

class osu.ChangelogListingResult(builds: List[Build], streams: List[UpdateStream], search: ChangelogListingSearch)

Result of osu.Client.get_changelog_listing()


build: List[Build]

streams: List[Build]

search: ChangelogListingSearch

class osu.ChangelogListingSearch(start: str | None, end: str | None, limit: int, max_id: int | None, stream: str | None)

Attribute of ChangelogListingResult


start: Optional[str]

start input

end: Optional[str]

end input

limit: int

Always 21

max_id: Optional[int]

max_id input

stream: Optional[str]

stream input

class osu.CreateNewPmResult(channel: ChatChannel, message: ChatMessage, new_channel_id: int)

Result of osu.Client.create_new_pm()


channel: ChatChannel

message: ChatMessage

new_channel_id: int

[DEPRECATED] channel id of newly created ChatChannel

class osu.CreateTopicResult(topic: ForumTopic, post: ForumPost)

Result of osu.Client.create_topic()


topic: ForumTopic

post: ForumPost

includes body

class osu.GetBeatmapsetEventsResult(events: List[BeatmapsetEvent], reviews_config: Review, users: List[UserCompact])

Result of osu.Client.get_beatmapset_events()


events: List[BeatmapsetEvent]

reviews_config: Review

users: List[UserCompact]

Includes groups attribute

class osu.GetChannelResult(channel: ChatChannel, users: List[UserCompact])

Result of osu.Client.get_channel()


channel: ChatChannel

users: List[UserCompact]

Users are only visible for PM channels.

class osu.GetMatchesResult(matches: List[Match], params: Dict, cursor: Dict)

Result of osu.Client.get_matches()


matches: List[Match]

params: Dict

cursor: Dict

class osu.GetNewsListingResult(cursor: str, news_posts: List[NewsPost], news_sidebar: NewsSidebar, search: SearchInfo)

Result of osu.Client.get_news_listing()


cursor: str

news_posts: List[NewsPost]

news_sidebar: NewsSidebar

search: SearchInfo

class osu.GetNotificationsResult(notifications: List[Notification], stacks: List[NotificationStackResult], timestamp: datetime, types: List[NotificationTypeResult], unread_count: int | None, notification_endpoint: str)

Result of osu.Client.get_notifications()


notifications: List[Notification]

stacks: List[NotificationStackResult]

timestamp: datetime.datetime

types: List[NotificationTypeResult]

unread_count: Optional[int]

notification_endpoint: str

class osu.GetRoomLeaderboardResult(leaderboard: List[UserScoreAggregate], user_score: UserScoreAggregate | None)

Result of osu.client.get_room_leaderboard()


leaderboard: List[UserScoreAggregate]

user_score: Optional[UserScoreAggregate]

class osu.GetTopicAndPostsResult(cursor_string: str, search: SearchInfo, topic: ForumTopic, posts: List[ForumPost])

Result of osu.Client.get_topic_and_posts()


cursor_string: str

search: GetTopicAndPostsSearch

Parameters used for current request excluding cursor.

topic: ForumTopic

posts: List[ForumPost]

class osu.GetUpdatesResult(presence: List[ChatChannel] | None, silences: List[UserSilence] | None)

Result of osu.Client.get_updates()


presence: Optional[List[ChatChannel]]

silences: Optional[List[UserSilence]]

class osu.NewsSidebar(current_year: int, news_post: List[NewsPost], years: List[int])

Attribute of GetNewsListingResult


current_year: int

news_post: List[NewsPost]

years: List[int]

class osu.NotificationStackResult(category: NotificationType | ObjectType, cursor: Dict[str, int] | None, object_type: ObjectType, object_id: int, total: int)

Attribute of GetNotificationsResult


category: NotificationType

cursor: Optional[Dict[str, int]]

dict with one key id if not null

object_type: ObjectType

object_id: int

total: int

class osu.NotificationTypeResult(cursor: Dict[str, int] | None, name: ObjectType | None, total: int)

Attribute of GetNotificationsResult


cursor: Optional[Dict[str, int]]

dict that contains one key id if not null

name: Optional[ObjectType]

total: int

class osu.ReviewsConfig(max_blocks: int)

An attribute of BeatmapsetDiscussionsResult


max_blocks: int

class osu.SearchInfo(sort: str, limit: int, start: int | None, end: int | None)

A class for search info in several result objects.


sort: str

limit: int

start: Optional[str]

end: Optional[str]

class osu.SearchResult(user: List[UserCompact] | None, wiki_page: List[WikiPage] | None)

Result of osu.Client.search()


user: Optional[List[UserCompact]]

For all or user mode. Only first 100 results are accessible

wiki_page: Optional[List[WikiPage]]

For all or wiki_page mode


class osu.Achievement(data)


icon_url: str

id: int

name: str

grouping: str

ordering: int

slug: str

description: str

mode: Optional[GameModeStr]

instructions: Optional[str]

class osu.AchievementEvent(data)


achievement: Achievement

user: EventUser

class osu.BaseNominations(data)

Base attributes for LegacyNominations and Nominations


disqualification: Optional[BeatmapsetEvent]

nominated: Optional[bool]

nomination_reset: Optional[BeatmapsetEvent]

ranking_eta: Optional[str]

ranking_queue_position: Optional[int]

required_hype: int

class osu.Beatmap(data)

Represent a beatmap. This extends BeatmapCompact with additional attributes. Also overrides the type of beatmapset


accuracy: float

ar: float

beatmapset: Optional[Beatmapset]

bpm: float

convert: Optional[bool]

count_circles: int

count_sliders: int

count_spinners: int

cs: float

deleted_at: Optional[datetime.datetime]

drain: float

hit_length: int

is_scoreable: bool

last_updated: datetime.datetime

mode_int: GameModeInt

passcount: int

playcount: int

ranked: RankStatus

url: str

class osu.BeatmapCompact(data)

Represents a beatmap.


beatmapset_id: int

difficulty_rating: float

id: int

mode: GameModeStr

status: RankStatus

total_length: int

user_id: int

version: str

beatmapset: Optional[BeatmapsetCompact]

checksum: Optional[str]

failtimes: Optional[Failtimes]

max_combo: Optional[int]

user: Optional[UserCompact]

class osu.BeatmapDifficultyAttributes(data)

Represent beatmap difficulty attributes. Following fields are always present and then there are additional fields for different rulesets.


The parameters depend on the ruleset, but the following two attributes are present in all rulesets.

max_combo: int

star_rating: float

mode_attributes: Optional[Union[OsuBeatmapDifficultyAttributes, TaikoBeatmapDifficultyAttributes, FruitsBeatmapDifficultyAttributes, ManiaBeatmapDifficultyAttributes]]

Can be none for some beatmaps that are bugged and have no difficulty attributes.

type: Optional[GameModeStr]

class osu.BeatmapPlaycount(data)

Represent the playcount of a beatmap.


beatmap_id: int

beatmap: Optional[BeatmapCompact]

beatmapset: Optional[BeatmapsetCompact]

count: int

class osu.BeatmapPlaycountEvent(data)


beatmap: EventBeatmap

count: int

class osu.BeatmapScores(data)

Contains a list of scores as well as, possibly, a BeatmapUserScore object.


scores: List[Union[LegacyScore, SoloScore]]

The list of top scores for the beatmap in descending order.

user_score: Optional[BeatmapUserScore]

The score of the current user. This is not returned if the current user does not have a score.

class osu.Beatmapset(data)

Represents a beatmapset. This extends BeatmapsetCompact with additional attributes. Also overrides the type of beatmaps attribute.


availability: BeatmapsetAvailability

beatmaps: Optional[List[Beatmap]]

null when this Beatmapset object comes from a Beatmap object

bpm: float

can_be_hyped: bool

deleted_at: datetime.datetime

discussion_enabled: bool

Deprecated. Is always true.

discussion_locked: bool

is_scoreable: bool

last_updated: Optional[datetime.datetime]

legacy_thread_url: str

nominations_summary: NominationsSummary

ranked: RankStatus

ranked_date: Optional[datetime.datetime]

storyboard: bool

submitted_date: Optional[datetime.datetime]

tags: str

class osu.BeatmapsetApproveEvent(data)


approval: RankStatus

beatmapset: EventBeatmapset

user: EventUser

class osu.BeatmapsetAvailability(data)

Gives information on the availability of a beatmap for download.


download_disabled: bool

more_information: Optional[str]

class osu.BeatmapsetCompact(data)

Represents a beatmapset.


artist: str

artist_unicode: str

background_url: str

Not given by api but created locally based on beatmapset id.

covers: Covers

creator: str

favourite_count: int

hype: Optional[BeatmapsetRequirement]

id: int

nsfw: bool

offset: int

play_count: int

preview_url: str

source: str

spotlight: bool

status: RankStatus

title: str

title_unicode: str

track_id: Optional[int]

user_id: int

video: bool

availability: Optional[BeatmapsetAvailability]

beatmaps: Optional[List[BeatmapCompact]]

Beatmaps contained in the beatmapset

converts: Optional[List[Beatmap]]

current_nominations: Optional[List[CurrentNomination]]

current_user_attributes: Optional[BeatmapsetDiscussionPermissions]

description: Optional[str]

description_bbcode: Optional[str]

discussions: Optional[BeatmapsetDiscussion]

events: Optional[List[BeatmapsetEvent]]

genre: Optional[MetadataAttribute]

has_favourited: Optional[bool]

language: Optional[MetadataAttribute]

nominations: Optional[Union[LegacyNominations, Nominations]]

ratings: Optional[List[int]]

recent_favourites: Optional[List[UserCompact]]

related_users: Optional[List[UserCompact]]

user: Optional[UserCompact]

class osu.BeatmapsetDeleteEvent(data)


beatmapset: EventBeatmapset

class osu.BeatmapsetDiscussion(data)

Represents a Beatmapset modding discussion


beatmap_id: Optional[int]

beatmapset_id: int

can_be_resolved: bool

can_grant_kudosu: bool

created_at: datetime.datetime

deleted_at: Optional[datetime.datetime]

deleted_by_id: Optional[int]

id: int

kudosu_denied: bool

last_post_at: datetime.datetime

message_type: MessageType

parent_id: Optional[int]

resolved: bool

timestamp: Optional[int]

updated_at: datetime.datetime

user_id: int

beatmap: Optional[BeatmapCompact]

beatmapset: Optional[BeatmapsetCompact]

current_user_attributes: Optional[BeatmapsetDiscussionPermissions]

posts: Optional[List[BeatmapsetDiscussionPost]]

starting_post: Optional[BeatmapsetDiscussionPost]

votes: Optional[VotesSummary]

class osu.BeatmapsetDiscussionPermissions(data)

A user’s permissions in a beatmapset discussion


can_destroy: bool

can_reopen: bool

can_moderate_kudosu: bool

can_resolve: bool

vote_score: int

class osu.BeatmapsetDiscussionPost(data)

Represents a post in a BeatmapsetDiscussion.


beatmapset_discussion_id: int

created_at: datetime.datetime

deleted_at: Optional[datetime.datetime]

deleted_by_id: Optional[int]

id: int

last_editor_id: Optional[int]

updated_at: datetime.datetime

user_id: int

message: Union[str, SystemDiscussionPostMessage]

String when system is false and SystemDiscussionPostMessage otherwise.

system: bool

beatmap_discussion: Optional[BeatmapsetDiscussion]

class osu.BeatmapsetDiscussionVote(data)

Represents a vote on a BeatmapsetDiscussion.


beatmapset_discussion_id: int

created_at: datetime.datetime

id: int

score: int

updated_at: datetime.datetime

user_id: int

class osu.BeatmapsetEvent(data)

Represent a beatmapset event. This object is relevant for the osu.Client.get_beatmapset_events() endpoint.


id: int

type: BeatmapsetEventType

comment: Optional[BeatmapsetEventComment]

Is None for the following types: - BeatmapsetEventType.LOVE - BeatmapsetEventType.QUALIFY - BeatmapsetEventType.APPROVE - BeatmapsetEventType.RANK

created_at: datetime.datetime

user_id: Optional[int]

beatmapset: Optional[BeatmapsetCompact]

discussion: Optional[BeatmapsetDiscussion]

class osu.BeatmapsetEventComment(data, type: BeatmapsetEventType)

This object holds some extra information of the event.


beatmap_discussion_id: Optional[int]

beatmap_discussion_post_id: Optional[int]

event_data: Union[BeatmapsetEventNominate, BeatmapsetEventRemoveFromLoved, BeatmapsetEventDisqualify, BeatmapsetEventKudosuGain, BeatmapsetEventKudosuLost, BeatmapsetEventKudosuRecalculate, BeatmapsetEventDiscussionLock, BeatmapsetEventNominationReset, BeatmapsetEventNominationResetReceived, BeatmapsetEventGenreEdit, BeatmapsetEventLanguageEdit, BeatmapsetEventNsfwToggle, BeatmapsetEventOffsetEdit, BeatmapsetEventBeatmapOwnerChange]

The type of this attribute depends on the type of the BeatmapsetEvent object.

class osu.BeatmapsetEventNominate(data)


modes: List[GameModeStr]

class osu.BeatmapsetEventRemoveFromLoved(data)


reason: str

class osu.BeatmapsetEventDisqualify(data)


nominator_ids: List[int]

class osu.BeatmapsetEventVote(data)


user_id: int

score: int

class osu.BeatmapsetEventKudosuGain(data)


new_votes: Optional[BeatmapsetEventVote]

votes: Optional[List[BeatmapsetEventVote]]

class osu.BeatmapsetEventKudosuLost(data)


new_votes: Optional[BeatmapsetEventVote]

votes: Optional[List[BeatmapsetEventVote]]

class osu.BeatmapsetEventKudosuRecalculate(data)


new_votes: Optional[BeatmapsetEventVote]

class osu.BeatmapsetEventDiscussionLock(data)


reason: str

class osu.BeatmapsetEventNominationReset(data)


nominator_ids: List[int]

class osu.BeatmapsetEventNominationResetReceived(data)


source_user_id: int

source_user_name: str

class osu.BeatmapsetEventGenreEdit(data)


old: str

new: str

class osu.BeatmapsetEventLanguageEdit(data)


old: str

new: str

class osu.BeatmapsetEventNsfwToggle(data)


old: str

new: str

class osu.BeatmapsetEventOffsetEdit(data)


old: str

new: str

class osu.BeatmapsetEventBeatmapOwnerChange(data)


beatmap_id: int

beatmap_version: str

new_user_id: int

new_user_username: str

class osu.BeatmapsetPermissions(data)

User permissions on a beatmapset


can_beatmap_update_owner: bool

can_delete: bool

can_edit_metadata: bool

can_edit_offset: bool

can_edit_tags: bool

can_hype: bool

can_hype_reason: str

can_love: bool

can_remove_from_loved: bool

is_watching: bool

new_hype_time: Optional[str]

nomination_modes: Dict[GameModeStr, str]

Values are either “full” or “limited”.

remaining_hype: int

class osu.BeatmapsetRequirement(data)

Gives information on requirements for a beatmap


current: int

required: int

class osu.BeatmapsetReviveEvent(data)


beatmapset: EventBeatmapset

user: EventUser

class osu.BeatmapsetUpdateEvent(data)


beatmapset: EventBeatmapset

user: EventUser

class osu.BeatmapsetUploadEvent(data)


beatmapset: EventBeatmapset

user: EventUser

class osu.BeatmapUserScore(data)


position: int

The position of the score within the requested beatmap ranking.

score: LegacyScore

The details of the score.

class osu.Build(data)


created_at: datetime.datetime

display_version: str

id: int

update_stream: Optional[UpdateStream]

users: int

version Optional[str]

changelog_entries: Optional[List[ChangelogEntry]]

If the build has no changelog entries, a placeholder is generated.

versions: Optional[Versions]

class osu.ChangelogEntry(data)


category: str

created_at: Optional[datetime.datetime]

github_pull_request_id: Optional[int]

github_url: Optional[str]

id: Optional[int]

major: bool

repository: Optional[str]

title: Optional[str]

type: str

url: Optional[str]

github_user: Optional[GithubUser]

If the changelog entry has no GitHub user, a placeholder is generated.

message: Optional[str]

Entry message in Markdown format. Embedded HTML is allowed.

message_html: Optional[str]

Entry message in HTML format.

class osu.ChatChannel(data)

Represents an individual chat “channel” in the game.


channel_id: int

name: str

description: Optional[str]

icon: Optional[str]

display icon for the channel

type: ChatChannelType

Below are the channel types and their permission checks for joining/messaging: PUBLIC



is player in the allowed groups? (channel.allowed_groups)


is player currently in the mp game?






For PMs, two factors are taken into account: Is either user blocking the other? If so, deny. Does the target only accept PMs from friends? Is the current user a friend? If not, deny.


is player in channel? (user_channels)


is user in the announce group?

moderated: bool

user can’t send message when the value is True

uuid: Optional[str]

value from requests that is relayed back to the sender.

current_user_attributes: Optional[ChatChannelUserAttributes]

only present on some responses

last_message_id: Optional[int]

message_id of last known message (only returned in presence responses)

recent_messages: Optional[List[ChatMessage]]

[DEPRECATED] up to 50 most recent messages

users: Optional[List[int]]

list of user ids that are in the channel (not included for PUBLIC channels).

class osu.ChatChannelUserAttributes(data)

Data about a user related to a chat channel.


can_message: bool

can_message_error: Optional[str]

last_read_id: Optional[int]

class osu.ChatMessage(data)

Represents an individual Message within a ChatChannel.


channel_id: int

channel_id of where the message was sent

content: str

message content

is_action: bool

was this an action? i.e. /me dances

message_id: int

unique identifier for message

sender_id: int

user_id of the sender

timestamp: datetime.datetime

when the message was sent

type: ChatMessageType

uuid: Optional[str]

message identifier originally sent by client

sender: Optional[UserCompact]

embedded UserCompact object to save additional api lookups

class osu.Comment(data)

Represents a single comment.


commentable_id: int

ID of the object the comment is attached to

commentable_type: str

type of object the comment is attached to

created_at: datetime.datetime

deleted_at: Option[datetime.datetime]

deleted_by_id: Optional[int]

user id of the user that deleted the post; null, otherwise

edited_at: Optional[datetime.datetime]

edited_by_id: Optional[int]

user id of the user that edited the post; null, otherwise

id: int

the ID of the comment

legacy_name: Optional[str]

username displayed on legacy comments

message: Optional[str]

markdown of the comment’s content

message_html: Optional[str]

html version of the comment’s content

parent_id: Optional[int]

ID of the comment’s parent

pinned: bool

Pin status of the comment

replies_count: int

number of replies to the comment

updated_at: datetime.datetime

user: Optional[UserCompact]

user_id: int

user ID of the poster

votes_count: int

number of votes

url: str

URL to the comment

class osu.CommentableMeta(data)

Metadata of the object that a comment is attached to. If the object is deleted then title is the only attribute with a value.


id: Optional[int]

the ID of the object

owner_id: Optional[int]

the ID of the owner of the object

owner_title: Optional[int]


title: Optional[str]

display title

type: Optional[str]

the type of the object

url: Optional[str]

url of the object

current_user_attributes: CommentableMetaAttributes

class osu.CommentableMetaAttributes(data)

User attributes for a CommentableMeta object


can_new_comment_reason: Optional[str]

class osu.CommentBundle(data)

Comments and related data.


commentable_meta: List[CommentableMeta]

ID of the object the comment is attached to

comments: List[Comment]

List of comments ordered according to sort

has_more: bool

If there are more comments or replies available

has_more_id: int

included_comments: List[Comment]

Related comments; e.g. parent comments and nested replies

pinned_comments: List[Comment]

Pinned comments

sort: CommentSort

top_level_count: Optional[int]

Number of comments at the top level. Not returned for replies.

total: Optional[int]

Total number of comments. Not returned for replies.

user_follow: bool

is the current user watching the comment thread?

user_votes: List[int]

IDs of the comments in the bundle the current user has upvoted

users: List[UserCompact]

List of users related to the comments

class osu.Country(data)

Country data


code: str

name: str

display: Optional[int]

class osu.Covers(data)


cover: str

cover_2x: str

card: str

card_2x: str

list: str

list_2x: str

slimcover: str

slimcover_2x: str

class osu.CurrentNomination(data)

Info about a nomination


beatmapset_id: int

rulesets: Optional[List[GameModeStr]]

reset: bool

user_id: int

class osu.CurrentUserPin(data)

Gives info about a score related to if it’s pinned or not


is_pinned: bool

score_id: int

score_type: ObjectType

class osu.Event(data)

Base class of an event


created_at: datetime.datetime

id: int


All types and the additional attributes they provide are listed under ‘Event Types’

class osu.EventUser(data)


username: str

url: str

previous_username: Optional[str]

Only for UsernameChangeEvent.

class osu.EventBeatmap(data)


title: str

url: str

class osu.EventBeatmapset(data)


title: str

url: str

class osu.Failtimes(data)


exit: Optional[List[int]]

List of 100 integers.

fail: Optional[List[int]]

List of 100 integers.

class osu.ForumPost(data)


created_at: datetime.datetime

deleted_at: Optional[datetime.datetime]

edited_at: Optional[datetime.datetime]

edited_by_id: Optional[int]

forum_id: int

id: int

topic_id: int

user_id: int

body: Optional[TextFormat]

class osu.ForumTopic(data)


created_at: datetime.datetime

deleted_at: Optional[datetime.datetime]

first_post_id: int

forum_id: int

id: int

is_locked: bool

last_post_id: int

poll: Optional[Poll]

post_count: int

title: str

type: ForumTopicType

updated_at: datetime.datetime

user_id: int

class osu.FruitsBeatmapDifficultyAttributes(data)

osu!catch beatmap difficulty attributes. See BeatmapDifficultyAttributes for more information.


approach_rate: float

class osu.GithubUser(data)


display_name: str

github_url: Optional[str]

id: Optional[int]

osu_username: Optional[str]

user_id: Optional[int]

user_url: Optional[str]

class osu.Group(data)

This object isn’t returned by any endpoints yet, it is here purely as a reference for UserGroup


id: int

identifier: str

Unique string to identify the group.

is_probationary: bool

Whether members of this group are considered probationary.

has_playmodes: bool

If this group associates GameModes with a user’s membership, e.g. BN/NAT members

has_listing: bool

Whether this group displays a listing at /groups/{id}

name: str

short_name: str

Short name of the group for display.

colour: Optional[str]

description: Optional[TextFormat]

A dictionary with keys html and markdown.

class osu.KudosuHistory(data)


id: int

action: KudosuAction

amount: int

model: ObjectType

Object type which the exchange happened on (forum_post, etc).

created_at: datetime.datetime

giver: Optional[KudosuGiver]

Simple detail of the user who started the exchange.

post: KudosuPost

Simple detail of the object for display.

class osu.LegacyNominations(data)

Shows info about nominations on a beatmapset, extending BaseNominations


is_legacy: bool


current: int

required: int

class osu.LegacyScore(data)

Contains information about a score


id: int

best_id: int

user_id: int

accuracy: float

mods: Mods

score: int

max_combo: int

perfect: bool

statistics: ScoreStatistics

passed bool

pp: float

rank: ScoreRank

created_at: datetime.datetime

mode: GameModeStr

mode_int: GameModeInt

has_replay: bool

is the replay is available

beatmap: Optional[BeatmapCompact]

beatmapset: Optional[BeatmapsetCompact]

rank_country: Optional[int]

rank_global: Optional[int]

weight: Optional[PpWeight]

user: Optional[UserCompact]

match: Optional[MatchGameScoreInfo]

current_user_attributes: Optional[ScoreUserAttributes]

class osu.ManiaBeatmapDifficultyAttributes(data)

osu!mania beatmap difficulty attributes. See BeatmapDifficultyAttributes for more information.


great_hit_window: float

score_multiplier: float

class osu.Match(data)

Info of a match, relevant at osu.Client.get_matches().


id: int

name: str

start_time: Optional[datetime.datetime]

end_time: Optional[datetime.datetime]

class osu.MatchEvent(data)

An event that occurred in a match.


id: int

timestamp: datetime.datetime

user_id: int

type: MatchEventType

text: Optional[str]

None unless the event type is MatchEventType.OTHER

game: Optional[MatchGame]

None unless the event type is MatchEventType.OTHER

class osu.MatchExtended(data)

Extended version of Match that is relevant at the osu.Client.get_match() endpoint.


events: List[MatchEvent]

List of events that occurred in the match.

users: List[UserCompact]

first_event_id: int

latest_event_id: int

current_game_id: int

class osu.MatchGame(data)

Represents a map played in a match and contains all the info about the game


beatmap_id: int

id: int

start_time: Optional[datetime.datetime]

end_time: Optional[datetime.datetime]

mode: GameModeStr

mode_int: GameModeInt

scoring_type: ScoringType

team_type: TeamType

mods: Mods

beatmap: Optional[BeatmapCompact]

scores: List[LegacyScore]

class osu.MatchGameScoreInfo(data)

Says info about a score set in a match. Is an attribute of LegacyScore


slot: int

team: str

passed: bool

class osu.MetadataAttribute(data)

Genre of a beatmapset


id: Optional[int]

name: str

class osu.MultiplayerScores(data)

An object which contains scores and related data for fetching next page of the result.


cursor: str

To be used to fetch the next page.

params: dict

To be used to fetch the next page.

scores: List[MultiplayerScore]

total: Optional[int]

Index only. Total scores of the specified playlist item.

user_score: Optional[MultiplayerScore]

Index only. Score of the accessing user if exists.

class osu.MultiplayerScoresAround(data)


higher: MultiplayerScores

lower: MultiplayerScores

class osu.NewsPost(data)


author: str

edit_url: str

Link to the file view on GitHub.

first_image: Optional[str]

Link to the first image in the document.

id: int

published_at: datetime.datetime

slug: str

Filename without the extension, used in URLs.

title: str

updated_at: datetime.datetime

content: Optional[str]

HTML post content.

navigation: Optional[Navigation]

Navigation metadata.

preview: Optional[str]

First paragraph of content with HTML markup stripped.

class osu.Navigation(data)


newer: Optional[NewsPost]

null if the next post is not present.

older: Optional[NewsPost]

null if the previous post is not present.

class osu.Nominations(data)

Shows info about nominations on a beatmapset, extending BaseNominations


is_legacy: bool


current: Union[int, Dict[GameModeStr, int]]

required: int

class osu.Notification(data)

Represents a notification object. Go to Details object to see details for each event


id: int

name: NotificationType

The type of event

created_at: datetime.datetime

object_type: ObjectType

object_id: int

source_user_id: Optional[int]

is_read: bool

details: Union[ BeatmapOwnerChangeDetails, BeatmapsetDiscussionLockDetails, BeatmapsetDiscussionPostNewDetails, BeatmapsetDiscussionQualifiedProblemDetails, BeatmapsetDiscussionReviewNewDetails, BeatmapsetDiscussionUnlockDetails, BeatmapsetDisqualifyDetails, BeatmapsetLoveDetails, BeatmapsetNominateDetails, BeatmapsetQualifyDetails, BeatmapsetRankDetails, BeatmapsetRemoveFromLovedDetails, BeatmapsetResetNominationsDetails, ChannelAnnouncementDetails, ChannelMessageDetails, CommentNewDetails, ForumTopicReplyDetails, UserAchievementUnlockDetails, UserBeatmapsetNewDetails, UserBeatmapsetReviveDetails ]

Details of the notification.

Documented event names and their attribute meanings


object_id: Beatmapset id object_type: beatmapset source_user_id: User who locked discussion


object_id: Beatmapset id object_type: beatmapset source_user_id: Poster of the discussion


object_id: Beatmapset id object_type: beatmapset source_user_id: User who unlocked discussion


object_id: Beatmapset id object_type: beatmapset source_user_id: User who disqualified beatmapset


object_id: Beatmapset id object_type: beatmapset source_user_id: User who promoted beatmapset to Loved


object_id: Beatmapset id object_type: beatmapset source_user_id: User who nominated beatmapset


object_id: Beatmapset id object_type: beatmapset source_user_id: User whom beatmapset nomination triggered qualification


object_id: Beatmapset id object_type: beatmapset source_user_id: User who removed beatmapset from Loved


object_id: Beatmapset id object_type: beatmapset source_user_id: User who locked discussion


object_id: Channel id object_type: channel source_user_id: User who posted message


object_id: Topic id object_type: forum_topic source_user_id: User who posted message

class osu.OsuBeatmapDifficultyAttributes(data)

osu!standard beatmap difficulty attributes. See BeatmapDifficultyAttributes for more information.


aim_difficulty: float

approach_rate: float

flashlight_difficulty: float

overall_difficulty: float

slider_factor: float

speed_difficulty: float

speed_note_count: float

class osu.PlaylistItem(data)


id: int

room_id: int

beatmap_id: int

ruleset_id: GameModeInt

allowed_mods: List[LazerMod]

required_mods: List[LazerMod]

expired: bool

owner_id: int

playlist_order: Optional[int]

played_at: Optional[datetime.datetime]

beatmap: Optional[BeatmapCompact]

class osu.PlaylistItemStats(data)


count_active: int

count_total: int

ruleset_ids: List[GameModeInt]

class osu.Poll(data)


allow_vote_change: bool

ended_at: Optional[datetime.datetime]

hide_incomplete_results: bool

last_vote_at: Optional[datetime.datetime]

max_votes: int

options: List[PollOption]

started_at: datetime.datetime

title: TextFormat

total_vote_count: int

class osu.PollOption(data)


id: int

text: TextFormat

vote_count: Optional[int]

Not present if the poll is incomplete and results are hidden.

class osu.PpWeight(data)

Weighted pp info


percentage: int

number (0-100) that tells percentage weighed

pp: float

amount of pp after being weighted

class osu.ProfileBanner(data)


id: int

tournament_id: int

image: Optional[str]

image2x: Optional[str]

class osu.RankEvent(data)


score_rank: str

rank: int

mode: GameModeStr

beatmap: EventBeatmap

user: EventUser

class osu.RankHighest(data)

Highest rank a player achieved at any point in time.


rank: int

updated_at: datetime.datetime

class osu.RankHistory(data)

Rank history data for a user


mode: GameModeStr

data: List[int]

List of ranks from oldest to newest

class osu.Rankings(data)


beatmapsets: Optional[List[Beatmapset]]

The list of beatmaps in the requested spotlight for the given mode; only available if type is charts

cursor: Dict

To be used to query the next page

ranking: List[UserStatistics]

Score details ordered by rank in descending order.

spotlight: Optional[Spotlight]

Spotlight details; only available if type is charts

total: int

An approximate count of ranks available

class osu.RankLostEvent(data)


mode: GameModeStr

beatmap: EventBeatmap

user: EventUser

class osu.ReadNotification(data)

Represents a read notification.


category: NotificationCategory

id: int

object_id: int

object_type: ObjectType

class osu.Review(data)


max_blocks: int

class osu.Room(data)

osu.Client.get_rooms() and osu.Client.get_room() endpoints include host, playlist, and recent_participants attributes. In addition, the PlaylistItem objects in playlist include the beatmap attribute and the beatmap attribute has the beatmapset, checksum, and max_combo attributes.


id: int

name: str

category: RoomCategory

type: RoomType

realtime_type: RealTimeType

Only applicable when type is RoomType.REALTIME

user_id: int

starts_at: Optional[datetime.datetime]

ends_at: Optional[datetime.datetime]

max_attempts: int

participant_count: int

channel_id: int

active: bool

has_password: bool

queue_mode: Union[RealTimeQueueMode, PlaylistQueueMode]

Type depends on the room type. PlaylistQueueMode for type RoomType.PLAYLIST and RealTimeQueueMode otherwise.

current_playlist_item: Optional[PlaylistItem]

current_user_score: Optional[UserScoreAggregate]

difficulty_range: Optional[Dict[str, int]]

When not none, is a dictionary containing keys “max” and “min”

host: Optional[UserCompact]

playlist: Optional[List[PlaylistItem]]

playlist_item_stats: Optional[PlaylistItemStats]

recent_participants: Optional[List[UserCompact]]

scores: Optional[MultiplayerScore]

class osu.Scope(*scopes)

Scope object for telling the program what scopes you are using

Valid scopes


Allows reading of publicly available data on behalf of the user.

identify (default)

Allows reading of the public profile of the user (/me).


Allows reading of the user’s friend list.


Allows creating and editing forum posts on a user’s behalf.


Allows acting as the owner of a client; only available for Client Credentials Grant.


Allows sending chat messages on a user’s behalf.

class osu.ScoreDataStatistics(data)


ok: Optional[int]

meh: Optional[int]

good: Optional[int]

miss: Optional[int]

none: Optional[int]

great: Optional[int]

perfect: Optional[int]

ignore_hit: Optional[int]

ignore_miss: Optional[int]

large_bonus: Optional[int]

small_bonus: Optional[int]

large_tick_hit: Optional[int]

small_tick_hit: Optional[int]

large_tick_miss: Optional[int]

small_tick_miss: Optional[int]

class osu.ScoreStatistics(data)


count_50: int

count_100: int

count_300: int

count_geki: int

count_katu: int

count_miss: int

class osu.ScoreUserAttributes(data)

Gives info about a score related to the current user



class osu.SearchResults(data, data_type)

Represents the results of a search.


results: List[Union[UserCompact, WikiPage]]

type depends on search type

total: int

class osu.SoloScore(data)

Contains information about a lazer score.


accuracy: float

beatmap_id: Optional[int]

ended_at: datetime.datetime

max_combo: int

maximum_statistics: ScoreDataStatistics

mods: List[LazerMod]

passed: bool

rank: ScoreRank

ruleset_id: int

statistics: ScoreDataStatistics

total_score: int

user_id: int

best_id: Optional[int]

id: int

legacy_perfect: Optional[bool]

pp: Optional[float]

replay: bool

type: ObjectType

user: Optional[UserCompact]

build_id: Optional[int]

legacy_score_id: Optional[int]

legacy_total_score: Optional[int]

started_at: Optional[datetime.datetime]

current_user_attributes: Optional[ScoreUserAttributes]

weight: Optional[PpWeight]

class osu.Spotlight(data)

The details of a spotlight.


end_date: datetime.datetime

In DateTime format. The end date of the spotlight.

id: int

The ID of this spotlight.

mode_specific: bool

If the spotlight has different modes specific to each game mode.

participant_count: Optional[int]

The number of users participating in this spotlight. This is only shown when viewing a single spotlight.

name: str

The name of the spotlight.

start_date: datetime.datetime

In DatTime format. The starting date of the spotlight.

type: str

The type of spotlight.

class osu.Spotlights(data)


spotlights: List[Spotlight]

class osu.SystemDiscussionPostMessage(data)

System message of BeatmapsetDiscussionPost


type: str

value: bool

class osu.TaikoBeatmapDifficultyAttributes(data)

osu!taiko beatmap difficulty attributes. See BeatmapDifficultyAttributes for more information.


stamina_difficulty: float

rhythm_difficulty: float

colour_difficulty: float

great_hit_window: float

peak_difficulty: float

class osu.TextFormat(data)

A page that has html and raw data


html: str

raw: str

class osu.UpdateStream(data)


display_name: Optional[str]

id: int

is_featured: bool

name: str

latest_build: Optional[Build]

user_count: Optional[int]

class osu.User(data)

Represents a User. Extends UserCompact with additional attributes. Includes country, cover, and is_restricted attributes of UserCompact.


cover_url: str

url of profile cover. Deprecated, use cover.url instead.

discord: Optional[str]

has_supported: bool

Has been a supporter in the past

interests: Optional[str]

join_date: datetime.datetime

kudosu: UserKudosu

location: Optional[str]

max_blocks: int

maximum number of users allowed to be blocked

max_friends: int

maximum number of friends allowed to be added

occupation: Optional[str]

playmode: GameModeStr

playstyle: List[str]

Device choices of the user.

post_count: int

number of forum posts

profile_order: List[str]

Ordered list of sections in user profile page. Sections consist of: me, recent_activity, beatmaps, historical, kudosu, top_ranks, medals

title: Optional[str]

user-specific title

title_url: Optional[str]

twitter: Optional[str]

website: Optional[str]

class osu.UserCompact(data)

Mainly used for embedding in certain responses to save additional api lookups.


avatar_url: str

url of user’s avatar

country_code: str

two-letter code representing user’s country

default_group: str

Identifier of the default Group the user belongs to.

id: int

unique identifier for user

is_active: bool

has this account been active in the last x months?

is_bot: bool

is this a bot account?

is_deleted: bool

is_online: bool

is the user currently online? (either on lazer or the new website)

is_supporter: bool

does this user have supporter?

last_visit: Optional[datetime.datetime]

null if the user hides online presence

pm_friends_only: bool

whether or not the user allows PM from other than friends

profile_colour: Optional[str]

colour of username/profile highlight, hex code (e.g. #333333)

username: str

user’s display name

account_history: Optional[List[UserAccountHistory]]

active_tournament_banner: Optional[ProfileBanner]

badges: Optional[List[UserBadge]]

beatmap_playcounts_count: Optional[int]

blocks: Optional[List[UserRelations]]

comments_count: Optional[int]

country: Optional[Country]

cover: Optional[UserCover]

favourite_beatmapset_count: Optional[int]

follow_user_mapping: Optional[List[int]]

follower_count: Optional[int]

friends: Optional[List[UserRelations]]

graveyard_beatmapset_count: Optional[int]

groups: Optional[List[UserGroup]]

guest_beatmapset_count: Optional[int]

is_admin: Optional[bool]

is_bng: Optional[bool]

is_gmt: Optional[bool]

is_limited_bn: Optional[bool]

is_moderator: Optional[bool]

is_nat: Optional[bool]

is_restricted: Optional[bool]

is_silenced: Optional[bool]

loved_beatmapset_count: Optional[int]

mapping_follower_count: Optional[int]

monthly_playcounts: Optional[List[UserMonthlyPlaycount]]

nominated_beatmapset_count: Optional[int]

page: Optional[TextFormat]

pending_beatmapset_count: Optional[int]

previous_usernames: Optional[List[str]]

rank_highest: Optional[RankHighest]

rank_history: Optional[RankHistory]

ranked_beatmapset_count: Optional[int]

replays_watched_counts: Optional[List[UserReplaysWatchedCount]]

scores_best_count: Optional[int]

scores_first_count: Optional[int]

scores_pinned_count: Optional[int]

scores_recent_count: Optional[int]

statistics: Optional[UserStatistics]

statistics_rulesets: Optional[UserStatisticsRulesets]

support_level: Optional[int]

unread_pm_count: Optional[int]

user_achievements: Optional[List[UserAchievement]]

user_preferences: Optional[UserPreferences]

class osu.UserCover(data)

Cover of a user’s profile


custom_url: Optional[str]

url: Optional[str]

id: Optional[int]

class osu.UserAccountHistory(data)


actor: Optional[UserCompact]

description: str

id: int

length: int

permanent: bool

supporting_url: Optional[str]

timestamp: datetime.datetime

type: UserAccountHistoryType

class osu.UserAchievement(data)

An achievement that a user received


achieved_at: datetime.datetime

achievement_id: int

class osu.UserBadge(data)


awarded_at: datetime.datetime

description: str

image_url: str

image_2x_url: str

url: str

class osu.UserGroup(data)

Describes the Group membership of a User. It contains all of the attributes of the Group, in addition to what is listed here.


playmodes: Optional[List[GameModeStr]]

GameModes associated with this membership (None if has_playmodes is false).

class osu.UserKudosu(data)

User kudosu data


total: int

available: int

class osu.UserMonthlyPlaycount(data)


start_date: datetime.date

year-month-day format

count: class:int


class osu.UsernameChangeEvent(data)


user: EventUser

class osu.UserPreferences(data)

The settings preferences of a user

audio_autoplay: bool

audio_muted: bool

audio_volume: float

beatmapset_card_size: str

normal or extra

beatmapset_download: str

all, no_video, or direct

beatmapset_show_nsfw: bool

beatmapset_title_show_original: bool

comments_show_deleted: bool

forum_posts_show_deleted: bool

profile_cover_expanded: bool

user_list_filter: str

all, online, or offline

user_list_sort: str

last_visit, rank, or username

user_list_view: str

brick, card, or list

class osu.UserRelations(data)

Info about relationship to a user


target_id: int

zebra id

relation_type: UserRelationType

mutual: bool

class osu.UserReplaysWatchedCount(data)

The count of replays watched for a month


start_date: datetime.datetime

count: int

class osu.UserStatistics(data)

A summary of various gameplay statistics for a User. Specific to a GameMode


count_300: int

count_100: int

count_50: int

count_miss: int

country_rank: Optional[int]

Current country rank according to pp.

global_rank: Optional[int]

Current global rank according to pp.

global_rank_exp: Optional[int]

Current global rank according to experimental pp.

grade_counts: NamedTuple

Below are the attributes and their meanings.

a: int

Number of A ranked scores.

s: int

Number of S ranked scores.

sh: int

Number of Silver S ranked scores.

ss: int

Number of SS ranked scores.

ssh: int

Number of Silver SS ranked scores.

hit_accuracy: float

Hit accuracy percentage

is_ranked: bool

Does the player have a rank

level: NamedTuple

Has attributes ‘current’ (current level) and ‘progress’ (progress to next level).

maximum_combo: int

Highest maximum combo.

play_count: int

Number of maps played.

play_time: int

Cumulative time played.

pp: int

Performance points

pp_exp: int

Experimental performance points (on lazer.ppy.sh)

recommended_difficulty: float

Recommended difficulty for a player. This value is not received from the api, but locally calculated. The formula is pp^0.4 * 0.195

recommended_difficulty_exp: float

Recommended difficulty based on the pp_exp value.

ranked_score: int

Current ranked score.

replays_watched_by_others: int

Number of replays watched by other users.

total_hits: int

Total number of hits.

total_score: int

Total score.

user: Optional[UserCompact]

The associated user.

variants: Optional[List[UserStatisticVariant]]

class osu.UserStatisticsRulesets(data)

Object that contains statistics for each gamemode.


osu: Optional[UserStatistics]

statistics for osu!standard.

taiko: Optional[UserStatistics]

statistics for osu!taiko.

fruits: Optional[UserStatistics]

statistics for osu!catch.

mania: Optional[UserStatistics]

statistics for osu!mania.

class osu.UserStatisticVariant(data)

A variant ranking system.


country_rank: Optional[int]

global_rank: Optional[int]

mode: GameModeStr

pp: int

variant: str

4k or 7k

class osu.UserSupportAgain(data)


user: EventUser

class osu.UserSupportFirst(data)


user: EventUser

class osu.UserSupportGift(data)


user: EventUser

class osu.Versions(data)

Optional Attributes

next: Optional[Build]

May be null if there is not a next build.

previous: Optional[Build]

May be null if there is not a previous build.

class osu.VotersSummary(data)

Gives a summary of players who voted up and down on a discussion


down: List[int]

List of user IDs of users that downvoted

up: List[int]

List of user IDs of users that upvoted

class osu.VotesSummary(data)

Summarizes the votes of a discussion


down: int

Number of downvotes

up: int

Number of upvotes

voters: VotersSummary

summarizes who voted up and down

class osu.WikiPage(data)

Represents a wiki article


available_locales: List[str]

All available locales for the article.

layout: str

The layout type for the page.

locale: str

All lowercase BCP 47 language tag.

markdown: str

Markdown content.

path: str

Path of the article.

subtitle: Optional[str]

The article’s subtitle.

tags: List[str]

Associated tags for the article.

title: str

The article’s title.


class osu.BeatmapsetSearchFilter

Util class that helps for filtering in Client.search_beatmapsets().

Read about each filter under its corresponding function.

All set functions return the instance of the class to allow for chaining.

property filters: dict

Dictionary of all filters only including ones that have been set.

set_extra(extras: Sequence[BeatmapsetSearchExtra | str]) BeatmapsetSearchFilter

Set the extras to filter by.

extras: Sequence[Union[BeatmapsetSearchExtra, str]]

set_generals(generals: Sequence[BeatmapsetSearchGeneral | str]) BeatmapsetSearchFilter

Set the generals to filter by.

generals: Sequence[Union[BeatmapsetSearchGeneral, str]]

set_genre(genre: BeatmapsetGenre | int) BeatmapsetSearchFilter

Set the genre to filter by.

genre: str

set_language(language: BeatmapsetLanguage | int) BeatmapsetSearchFilter

Set the language to filter by.

language: str

set_mode(mode: GameModeInt | int) BeatmapsetSearchFilter

Set the game mode to filter by.

mode: Union[GameModeStr, str]

set_nsfw(nsfw: bool) BeatmapsetSearchFilter

Set whether to include NSFW in the search.

nsfw: bool

set_played(played: BeatmapsetSearchPlayed | str) BeatmapsetSearchFilter

Set whether to include played and unplayed beatmapsets in the search.

played: Union[BeatmapsetSearchPlayed, str]

set_query(query: str) BeatmapsetSearchFilter

Set the query to search for.

query: str

set_ranked(rank: ScoreRank | str) BeatmapsetSearchFilter

Filter by rank achieved.

rank: Union[ScoreRank, str]

set_sort(sort: BeatmapsetSearchSort | str) BeatmapsetSearchFilter

Set the sort order of the search.

sort: Union[BeatmapsetSearchSort, str]

set_status(status: BeatmapsetSearchStatus | str) BeatmapsetSearchFilter

Set the status to filter by.

status: Union[BeatmapsetSearchStatus, str]

class osu.IdentitiesUtil(category: NotificationCategory | str | None = None, object_id: str | None = None, object_type: ObjectType | str | None = None)

Init parameters

category: Optional[Union[str, NotificationCategory]]

Notification category.

object_id: Optional[str]

Id of the object that triggered the notification

object_type: Optional[Union[str, ObjectType]]

Type of the object that triggered the notification

class osu.NotificationsUtil(category: NotificationCategory | str | None = None, id: int | None = None, object_id: str | None = None, object_type: ObjectType | str | None = None)

Init parameters

category: Optional[Union[str, NotificationCategory]]

Notification category.

id: Optional[id]

Id of notification to be marked as read

object_id: Optional[str]

Id of the object that triggered the notification

object_type: Optional[Union[str, ObjectType]]

Type of the object that triggered the notification

class osu.PlaylistItemUtil(beatmap_id: int, ruleset_id: GameModeInt | int, allowed_mods: Sequence[Mod] | None = None, required_mods: Sequence[Mod] | None = None)

Util class for passing playlist items to endpoints that involve creating a room like create_multiplayer_room and create_playlist.

Init Parameters

beatmap_id: int

ruleset_id: Union[GameModeInt, int]

allowed_mods: Sequence[Mod]

required_mods: Sequence[Mod]


json: dict

Dictionary format of all the attributes which the client uses when sending a http request


class osu.BeatmapOwnerChangeDetails(data)

When ownership of a beatmap is transferred (for guest difficulties).

Extends NotificationsDetailsBase


beatmap_id: int

cover_url: str

title: str

title_unicode: str

version: str

class osu.BeatmapsetDiscussionLockDetails(data)

Beatmapset discussion locked

Extends BeatmapsetNotificationDetails

class osu.BeatmapsetDiscussionPostNewDetails(data)

New beatmapset discussion post

Extends BeatmapsetDiscussionPostNotificationDetails

class osu.BeatmapsetDiscussionPostNotificationDetails(data)

Base class for a couple other detail objects.

Extends NotificationsDetailsBase


content: str

title: str

title_unicode: str

post_id: int

discussion_id: int

beatmap_id: int

cover_url: str

class osu.BeatmapsetDiscussionQualifiedProblemDetails(data)

Beatmapset discussion qualified problem

Extends BeatmapsetDiscussionPostNotification

class osu.BeatmapsetDiscussionReviewNewDetails(data)

New beatmapset discussion review.

Extends NotificationsDetailsBase


title: str

title_unicode: str

post_id: int

discussion_id: int

beatmap_id: int

cover_url: str

embeds: ReviewStats

class osu.BeatmapsetDiscussionUnlockDetails(data)

Beatmapset discussion unlocked

Extends BeatmapsetNotificationDetails

class osu.BeatmapsetDisqualifyDetails(data)

Beatmapset disqualified

Extends BeatmapsetNotificationDetails

class osu.BeatmapsetLoveDetails(data)

Beatmapset loved

Extends BeatmapsetNotificationDetails

class osu.BeatmapsetNominateDetails(data)

Beatmapset nominated

Extends BeatmapsetNotificationDetails

class osu.BeatmapsetNotificationDetails(data)

Base class for several other detail objects.

Extends NotificationsDetailsBase


title: str

title_unicode: str

cover_url: str

class osu.BeatmapsetQualifyDetails(data)

Beatmapset qualified

Extends BeatmapsetNotificationDetails

class osu.BeatmapsetRankDetails(data)

Beatmapset ranked

Extends BeatmapsetNotificationDetails

class osu.BeatmapsetRemoveFromLovedDetails(data)

Beatmapset removed from love

Extends BeatmapsetNotificationDetails

class osu.BeatmapsetResetNominationsDetails(data)

Beatmapset nominations reset

Extends BeatmapsetNominateDetails

class osu.ChannelAnnouncementDetails(data)

Chat channel announcement

Extends NotificationsDetailsBase


channel_id: int

name: str

title: str

type: ChatChannelType

cover_url: str

class osu.ChannelMessageDetails(data)

Chat channel message

Extends NotificationsDetailsBase


title: str

type: ChatChannelType

cover_url: str

class osu.CommentNewDetails(data)

New comment

Extends NotificationsDetailsBase


comment_id: int

title: str

content: str

cover_url: str

class osu.ForumTopicReplyDetails(data)

Forum topic reply

Extends NotificationsDetailsBase


title: str

post_id: int

cover_url: str

class osu.Notification(data)

Represents a notification object. Go to Details object to see details for each event


id: int

name: NotificationType

The type of event

created_at: datetime.datetime

object_type: ObjectType

object_id: int

source_user_id: Optional[int]

is_read: bool

details: Union[ BeatmapOwnerChangeDetails, BeatmapsetDiscussionLockDetails, BeatmapsetDiscussionPostNewDetails, BeatmapsetDiscussionQualifiedProblemDetails, BeatmapsetDiscussionReviewNewDetails, BeatmapsetDiscussionUnlockDetails, BeatmapsetDisqualifyDetails, BeatmapsetLoveDetails, BeatmapsetNominateDetails, BeatmapsetQualifyDetails, BeatmapsetRankDetails, BeatmapsetRemoveFromLovedDetails, BeatmapsetResetNominationsDetails, ChannelAnnouncementDetails, ChannelMessageDetails, CommentNewDetails, ForumTopicReplyDetails, UserAchievementUnlockDetails, UserBeatmapsetNewDetails, UserBeatmapsetReviveDetails ]

Details of the notification.

Documented event names and their attribute meanings


object_id: Beatmapset id object_type: beatmapset source_user_id: User who locked discussion


object_id: Beatmapset id object_type: beatmapset source_user_id: Poster of the discussion


object_id: Beatmapset id object_type: beatmapset source_user_id: User who unlocked discussion


object_id: Beatmapset id object_type: beatmapset source_user_id: User who disqualified beatmapset


object_id: Beatmapset id object_type: beatmapset source_user_id: User who promoted beatmapset to Loved


object_id: Beatmapset id object_type: beatmapset source_user_id: User who nominated beatmapset


object_id: Beatmapset id object_type: beatmapset source_user_id: User whom beatmapset nomination triggered qualification


object_id: Beatmapset id object_type: beatmapset source_user_id: User who removed beatmapset from Loved


object_id: Beatmapset id object_type: beatmapset source_user_id: User who locked discussion


object_id: Channel id object_type: channel source_user_id: User who posted message


object_id: Topic id object_type: forum_topic source_user_id: User who posted message

class osu.NotificationsDetailsBase(data)

Base class for all Detail objects.


username: str

class osu.ReadNotification(data)

Represents a read notification.


category: NotificationCategory

id: int

object_id: int

object_type: ObjectType

class osu.ReviewStats(data)


praises: int

suggestions: int

problems: int

class osu.UserAchievementUnlockDetails(data)

New achievement unlocked

Extends NotificationsDetailsBase


achievement_id: int

achievement_mode: Optional[GameModeStr]

cover_url: str

slug: str

title: str

user_id: int

class osu.UserBeatmapsetNewDetails(data)

New beatmapset

Extends: NotificationsDetailsBase


beatmapset_id: int

title: str

title_unicode: str

cover_url: str

class osu.UserBeatmapsetReviveDetails(data)

User beatmapset revived

Extends UserBeatmapsetNewDetails


class osu.BeatmapsetEventSort(value)

Sort option for beatmapset events. Relevant to osu.Client.get_beatmapset_events().

Beatmapset event sorts

ASC = ‘id_asc’

DESC = ‘id_desc’

class osu.BeatmapsetEventType(value)

Enum for beatmapset event types. Relevant to osu.Client.get_beatmapset_events().

Beatmapset event types

NOMINATE = ‘nominate’

LOVE = ‘love’


QUALIFY = ‘qualify’

DISQUALIFY = ‘disqualify’

APPROVE = ‘approve’

RANK = ‘rank’

KUDOSU_ALLOW = ‘kudosu_allow’

KUDOSU_DENY = ‘kudosu_deny’

KUDOSU_GAIN = ‘kudosu_gain’

KUDOSU_LOST = ‘kudosu_lost’

KUDOSU_RECALCULATE = ‘kudosu_recalculate’

ISSUE_RESOLVE = ‘issue_resolve’

ISSUE_REOPEN = ‘issue_reopen’

DISCUSSION_LOCK = ‘discussion_lock’

DISCUSSION_UNLOCK = ‘discussion_unlock’

DISCUSSION_DELETE = ‘discussion_delete’

DISCUSSION_RESTORE = ‘discussion_restore’

DISCUSSION_POST_DELETE = ‘discussion_post_delete’

DISCUSSION_POST_RESTORE = ‘discussion_post_restore’

NOMINATION_RESET = ‘nomination_reset’

NOMINATION_RESET_RECEIVED = ‘nomination_reset_received’

GENRE_EDIT = ‘genre_edit’

LANGUAGE_EDIT = ‘language_edit’

NSFW_TOGGLE = ‘nsfw_toggle’

OFFSET_EDIT = ‘offset_edit’

BEATMAP_OWNER_CHANGE = ‘beatmap_owner_change’

class osu.BeatmapsetGenre(value)

Genre of a beatmapsets





ROCK = 4

POP = 5





METAL = 11


FOLK = 13

JAZZ = 14

class osu.BeatmapsetLanguage(value)

Language of a beatmapset















OTHER = 14

class osu.ChatChannelType(value)

Enum for type of ChatChannel

Chat channel types






PM = “PM”



class osu.ChatMessageType(value)

The type of a ChatMessage

Chat message types

ACTION = “action”

MARKDOWN = “markdown”

PLAIN = “plain”

class osu.ForumTopicType(value)

Enum for ForumTopic type attribute.

Forum topic types

NORMAL = “normal”

STICKY = “sticky”

ANNOUNCEMENT = “announcement”

class osu.GameModeInt(value)

Enums for GameModes using their int values.






class osu.GameModeStr(value)

Enum for GameModes using their string names.


STANDARD = ‘osu’

TAIKO = ‘taiko’

CATCH = ‘fruits’

MANIA = ‘mania’

class osu.KudosuAction(value)

A type of action related to kudosu

Kudosu action types

GIVE = “give”

VOTE_GIVE = “vote.give”

RESET = “reset”

VOTE_RESET = “vote.reset”

REVOKE = “revoke”

VOTE_REVOKE = “vote.revoke”

RECALCULATE_RESET = “recalculate.reset”

class osu.MatchEventType(value)

Enum for match event types.

Match event types

PLAYER_LEFT = ‘player-left’

PLAYER_JOINED = ‘player-joined’

PLAYER_KICKED = ‘player-kicked’

MATCH_CREATED = ‘match-created’

MATCH_DISBANDED = ‘match-disbanded’

HOST_CHANGED = ‘host-changed’

OTHER = ‘other’

class osu.MatchSort(value)

Sort options for matches. Relevant to osu.Client.get_matches().

Match sort options

ASCENDING = “id_asc”

DESCENDING = “id_desc”

class osu.MessageType(value)

A type of message in beatmapset discussion

Message types

HYPE = “hype”

MAPPER_NOTE = “mapper_note”

PRAISE = “praise”

PROBLEM = “problem”

REVIEW = “review”

SUGGESTION = “suggestion”

class osu.Mod(value)

Enum of all mods, score submittable or not.


Easy = ‘EZ’

NoFail = ‘NF’

HalfTime = ‘HT’

Daycore = ‘DC’

HardRock = ‘HR’

SuddenDeath = ‘SD’

Perfect = ‘PF’

DoubleTime = ‘DT’

Nightcore = ‘NC’

Hidden = ‘HD’

Flashlight = ‘FL’

Blinds = ‘BL’

StrictTracking = ‘ST’

Target = ‘TP’

DifficultyAdjust = ‘DA’

Classic = ‘CL’

Random = ‘RD’

Mirror = ‘MR’

Alternate = ‘AL’

SingleTap = ‘SG’

Autoplay = ‘AT’

Cinema = ‘CN’

Relax = ‘RX’

Autopilot = ‘AP’

SpunOut = ‘SO’

Transform = ‘TR’

Wiggle = ‘WG’

SpinIn = ‘SI’

Grow = ‘GR’

Deflate = ‘DF’

WindUp = ‘WU’

WindDown = ‘WD’

Traceable = ‘TC’

BarrelRoll = ‘BR’

ApproachDifferent = ‘AD’

Muted = ‘MU’

NoScope = ‘NS’

Magnetised = ‘MG’

Repel = ‘RP’

AdaptiveSpeed = ‘AS’

FreezeFrame = ‘FR’

TouchDevice = ‘TD’

Swap = ‘SW’

FloatingFruits = ‘FF’

FadeIn = ‘FI’

FourKeys = ‘4K’

FiveKeys = ‘5K’

SixKeys = ‘6K’

SevenKeys = ‘7K’

EightKeys = ‘8K’

NineKeys = ‘9K’

TenKeys = ‘10K’

OneKey = ‘1K’

TwoKeys = ‘2K’

ThreeKeys = ‘3K’

DualStages = ‘DS’

Invert = ‘IN’

ConstantSpeed = ‘CS’

HoldOff = ‘HO’

AccuracyChallenge = ‘AC’

class osu.Mods(value)

IntFlag enum for all score submittable mods. Info gathered from https://github.com/ppy/osu-web/blob/973315aded8a5762fc00a9f245337802c27bd213/app/Libraries/Mods.php and https://github.com/ppy/osu-web/blob/973315aded8a5762fc00a9f245337802c27bd213/database/mods.json

List of mods, their acronyms, and their bitwise representation

NoFail (NF) = 1 << 0

Easy (EZ) = 1 << 1

TouchDevice (TD) = 1 << 2 # Replaces unused NoVideo mod

Hidden (HD) = 1 << 3

HardRock (HR) = 1 << 4

SuddenDeath (SD) = 1 << 5

DoubleTime (DT) = 1 << 6

Relax (RX) = 1 << 7

HalfTime (HT) = 1 << 8

Nightcore (NC) = (1 << 9)

Flashlight (FL) = 1 << 10

SpunOut (SO) = 1 << 12

AutoPilot (AP) = 1 << 13

Perfect (PF) = 1 << 14

FadeIn (FI) = 1 << 20

Mirror (MR) = 1 << 30

Key4 (4K) = 1 << 15

Key5 (5K) = 1 << 16

Key6 (6K) = 1 << 17

Key7 (7K) = 1 << 18

Key8 (8K) = 1 << 19

Key9 (9K) = 1 << 24

classmethod get_from_abbreviation(abbreviation: str) Mods

Get mod from its abbreviation. Abbreviations are taken from https://osu.ppy.sh/wiki/en/Game_modifier/Summary


abbreviation: str

Abbreviation of the mod (must be capitalized)



static get_from_list(mods: Sequence[Mods]) Mods | None

Get a Mods object from a list of Mods.


mods: Sequence[Mods]

Sequence of mods of type Mods


Union[Mods, NoneType]


Get a list of mods that are incompatible with this mod.




Check if all the mods in this Mods object are compatible with each other.



is_compatible_with(other: Mods)

Check if this mod is compatible with another mod.


other: Mods

Mod to check compatibility with.



static parse_any_list(mods: Sequence[str | int | Mods]) Mods

Take a list and return a parsed list. Parsing the list involves converting any object recognizable as a mod to a Mods object. This includes mod names/abbreviations as strings and also their bitset values.


mods: Sequence[Union[Mods, str, int]]

Sequence of Mods, str, and/or int objects to be parsed and returned as a Mods object.


Union[Mods, NoneType]


Get a readable string representation of this mod (sorted by bitset ascending). Example: (Mods.HardRock | Mods.Hidden) -> “HDHR”



class osu.NotificationCategory(value)

Enum for notification categories.

Notification Categories

BEATMAP_OWNER_CHANGE = ‘beatmap_owner_change’

BEATMAPSET_DISCUSSION_LOCK = ‘beatmapset_discussion’

BEATMAPSET_DISCUSSION_POST_NEW = ‘beatmapset_discussion’


BEATMAPSET_DISCUSSION_REVIEW_NEW = ‘beatmapset_discussion’

BEATMAPSET_DISCUSSION_UNLOCK = ‘beatmapset_discussion’

BEATMAPSET_DISQUALIFY = ‘beatmapset_state’

BEATMAPSET_LOVE = ‘beatmapset_state’

BEATMAPSET_NOMINATE = ‘beatmapset_state’

BEATMAPSET_QUALIFY = ‘beatmapset_state’

BEATMAPSET_RANK = ‘beatmapset_state’





COMMENT_NEW = ‘comment’

FORUM_TOPIC_REPLY = ‘forum_topic_reply’

USER_ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCK = ‘user_achievement_unlock’

USER_BEATMAPSET_NEW = ‘user_beatmapset_new’

USER_BEATMAPSET_REVIVE = ‘user_beatmapset_new’

class osu.NotificationType(value)

Types of notifications that can be received.

Notification types

BEATMAP_OWNER_CHANGE = ‘beatmap_owner_change’

BEATMAPSET_DISCUSSION_LOCK = ‘beatmapset_discussion_lock’

BEATMAPSET_DISCUSSION_POST_NEW = ‘beatmapset_discussion_post_new’

BEATMAPSET_DISCUSSION_QUALIFIED_PROBLEM = ‘beatmapset_discussion_qualified_problem’

BEATMAPSET_DISCUSSION_REVIEW_NEW = ‘beatmapset_discussion_review_new’

BEATMAPSET_DISCUSSION_UNLOCK = ‘beatmapset_discussion_unlock’

BEATMAPSET_DISQUALIFY = ‘beatmapset_disqualify’

BEATMAPSET_LOVE = ‘beatmapset_love’

BEATMAPSET_NOMINATE = ‘beatmapset_nominate’

BEATMAPSET_QUALIFY = ‘beatmapset_qualify’

BEATMAPSET_RANK = ‘beatmapset_rank’

BEATMAPSET_REMOVE_FROM_LOVED = ‘beatmapset_remove_from_loved’

BEATMAPSET_RESET_NOMINATIONS = ‘beatmapset_reset_nominations’

CHANNEL_ANNOUNCEMENT = ‘channel_announcement’

CHANNEL_MESSAGE = ‘channel_message’

COMMENT_NEW = ‘comment_new’

FORUM_TOPIC_REPLY = ‘forum_topic_reply’

USER_ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCK = ‘user_achievement_unlock’

USER_BEATMAPSET_NEW = ‘user_beatmapset_new’

USER_BEATMAPSET_REVIVE = ‘user_beatmapset_revive’

class osu.ObjectType(value)

Enum for different object types. Score types are most relevant.

Object types

BeatmapDiscussion = “beatmapset_discussion”

BeatmapDiscussionPost = “beatmapset_discussion_post”

Beatmapset = “beatmapset”

Build = “build”

Channel = “channel”

Comment = “comment”

ForumPost = “forum_post”

ForumTopic = “forum_topic”

LegacyMatchScore = “legacy_match_score”

NewsPost = “news_post”

ScoreBestFruits = “score_best_fruits”

ScoreBestMania = “score_best_mania”

ScoreBestOsu = “score_best_osu”

ScoreBestTaiko = “score_best_taiko”

ScoreFruits = “score_fruits”

ScoreMania = “score_mania”

ScoreOsu = “score_osu”

ScoreTaiko = “score_taiko”

SoloScore = “solo_score”

User = “user”

class osu.PlaylistQueueMode(value)

Enum for playlist queue modes.

Playlist queue modes

HOST_ONLY = ‘host_only’

class osu.RankStatus(value)

IntEnum enum for rank status of a beatmap.



WIP = -1






class osu.RealTimeQueueMode(value)

Enum for realtime queue modes.

Realtime queue modes

HOST_ONLY = ‘host_only’

ALL_PLAYERS = ‘all_players’

ALL_PLAYERS_ROUND_ROBIN = ‘all_players_round_robin’

class osu.RoomCategory(value)

Enum for room categories.

Room categories

NORMAL = ‘normal’

SPOTLIGHT = ‘spotlight’

FEATURED_ARTIST = ‘featured_artist’

class osu.RoomFilterMode(value)

Enum for different filtering modes of rooms.

Room filter mode types

ENDED = ‘ended’

PARTICIPATED = ‘participated’

OWNED = ‘owned’

ACTIVE = ‘active’

class osu.RoomSort(value)

Sort options for rooms. Relevant to osu.Client.get_rooms().

Room sort options

ENDED = ‘ended’

CREATED = ‘created’

class osu.RoomType(value)

Enum for room types.

Room types

PLAYLISTS = “playlists”

HEAD_TO_HEAD = “head_to_head”

TEAM_VERSUS = “team_versus”

class osu.ScoringType(value)

Scoring type used for a legacy multiplayer match

Scoring types

SCORE = “score”

ACCURACY = “accuracy”

COMBO = “combo”

SCOREV2 = “scorev2”

class osu.TeamType(value)

The team type used for a legacy multiplayer match

Team types

HEAD_TO_HEAD = “head-to-head”

TAG_COOP = “tag-coop”

TEAM_VS = “team-vs”

TAG_TEAM_VS = “tag-team-vs”

class osu.UserAccountHistoryType(value)

Type of account history object

User Account History Types

NOTE = “note”

RESTRICTION = “restriction”

SILENCE = “silence”

TOURNAMENT_BAN = “tournament_ban”

class osu.UserBeatmapType(value)

User beatmap types. Relavent to osu.Client.get_user_beatmaps().

User beatmap types

favourite, graveyard, loved, most_played, pending, ranked

FAVOURITE = ‘favourite’

GRAVEYARD = ‘graveyard’

LOVED = ‘loved’

MOST_PLAYED = ‘most_played’

PENDING = ‘pending’

RANKED = ‘ranked’

class osu.UserRelationType(value)

The type of relation to a user

Relation types

FRIEND = “friend”

BLOCK = “block”

class osu.UserScoreAggregate(data)


accuracy: float

attempts: int

completed: int

pp: float

room_id: int

total_score: int

user_id: int

playlist_item_attempts: Optional[Dict[str, int]]

contains keys “attempts” and “id”.

position: Optional[int]

user rank

user: Optional[UserCompact]

class osu.UserScoreType(value)

Enum for the get_user_scores endpoint that specifies score type.

User score types

BEST = “best”

FIRSTS = “firsts”

RECENT = “recent”

class osu.WikiSearchMode(value)

Enum for wiki search modes. Relevant to osu.Client.search().

ALL = “all”

USER = “user”

WIKI = “wiki_page”